AYY appointed its first Honorary Council and elected chief editor for Aino magazine

Aalto University Student Union
Release 10 Dec 2015
For immediate release

The Representative Council of Aalto University Student Union AYY has appointed AYY’s first Honorary Council and elected chief editor for student magazine Aino at its meeting 9/2015.

Jorma Eloranta (Chair), Sari Baldauf, Risto Siilasmaa, Helena Hyvönen, Jukka Mäkelä, Ilkka Kivimäki and Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko were appointed to the Honorary Council. The Honorary Council’s term of office is three years and the Student Union’s Secretary General acts as the secretary of the Council. The Honorary Council is an advisory body, which acts as the Student Union’s social sparring partner and helps AYY’s operators to engage in activities which help the members to cope in society and working life.

“I am pleased and excited to have such a varied and diverse group of AYY’s alumni from different eras. This group has a tremendous amount of societal know-how and vision. I hope that their experience will help the Student Union in many ways,” says President of AYY Board Niko Ferm.

Pauliina Suominen was elected as chief editor for student magazine Aino. Ms Suominen is a third-year communications student from the University of Helsinki. She has extensive journalistic experience from magazines, for example. Most recently, she has worked as content producer in Vapa Media.

”I am even more excited than I expected to be! I would like to get to work immediately. Next year, I plan to make emotional, feisty and diverse Aino, above all,” says enthusiastic Ms Suominen right after her election. ”I would like the magazine to speak to Aalto members effectively. I hope that as many readers as possible will respond to the ongoing reader survey (www.ainolehti.fi).”

Aalto University Student Union AYY is a service and interest organisation for approximately 15,000 Aalto University students. AYY represents its members’ interests in education and social policy issues, in particular.

Further information:

Secretary General Janne Koskenniemi, janne.koskenniemi@ayy.fi, tel. 050 520 9415

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