AYY gave out exchange scholarships of the autumn 2015

Scholarship holders by scholarships below. Only exchange scholarships were distributed in the autumn.

Ancuta Agapi 400€
Minja Axelsson 600€
Anna Eriksson 400€
Nicholas Fellman 450€
Erika Forstén 600€
Saara Haapala 600€
Heikki Heinonen 400€
Andreas Holm 450€
Toni Kangas 400€
Miikka Laitila 600€
Mariko Landström 400€
Milla Mattila 400€
Lauri Mikkola 450€
Maija Mikkola 400€
Petri Niemelä 600€
Alexandra Niemi 400€
Ina Rosberg 400€
Otto Rummukainen 400€
Nicholas Saulny 400€
Ida Sten 600€
Jyri Yli-Villamo 600€


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