Weekly newsletter 2/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 2/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Happy new year 2015! The year started nicely with new student discounts: https://frank.fi/en/discounts/siwa_valintatalo/1080/

Important notices about Väre site and bus routes:

Noise and trembling near Väre site: http://aaltocre.fi/en/noise-and-trembling-near-vare-site/)

Bus routes diverted in Otaniemi until the opening of the West Metro: https://www.hsl.fi/en/news/2016/bus-routes-diverted-otaniemi-until-opening-west-metro-7858


  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Report delayed course grading
  3. AYY’s 6th Annual Ball on 14.5.16 – Save the date!
  4. Finnish Game Jam Otaniemi 29.1.-31.1.2016 @Startup Sauna
  5. Tieto Gen T trainee programme
  6. Apply now for Vaisala Giant Leap Summer Internship!
  7. Call for outstanding candidates for the Stanford University International Summer School 2016
  8. Sign up for running events of the spring at more affordable prices!


  1. This and next week’s events

Week 2

Ti 12.1. ESN Aalto International Hangout #1
Ke 13.1. The Polytech Choir’s Auditions
Ke 13.1. Opening Night – Ristin kilta
To 14.1. ESN Aalto Welcome Party

Week 3

Ti 19.1. Winter Day
Ke 20.1. ESN Aalto recruitment evening
Ke 20.1. The Polytech Choir’s Auditions
To 21.1. ESN Aalto Wine and Cheese evening
La 23.1. ESN Aalto Winter Olympics


  1. Report delayed course grading

Report delayed course grading

Aalto University’s teaching and study regulations provide that exams and other study performances must be reviewed and recorded in the study register within one month. If your exam results or credits are late, you can report it to Aalto University administration.

ARTS: Leena Koskinen (leena.koskinen@aalto.fi)

BIZ: Margareta Soismaa (margareta.soismaa@aalto.fi)

CHEM: Hanne Puskala (hanne.puskala@aalto.fi)

ELEC: Perttu puska (perttu.puska@aalto.fi)

ENG: Marjo Immonen (marjo.immonen@aalto.fi)

SCI: Mari Knuuttila (mari.knuuttila@aalto.fi)


  1. AYY’s 6th Annual Ball on 14.5.16 – Save the date!

As a reminder; AYY’s annual ball is held from this year onwards in May, on Saturday near by Flora’s day. AYY board made the decision on the new date last year. So, this year 6th annual ball is celebrated on 14th May, and anniversary brunch organized on the following day. For further information, please contact Annual Ball Committee chair Sanna Unkuri, sanna.unkuri@ayy.fi.


  1. Finnish Game Jam Otaniemi 29.1.-31.1.2016 @Startup Sauna

Interested in game development, design or concepting? Want to create awesome game project over a weekend with great people? DOT ry and Aaltoes are organizing a Finnish Game Jam site as part of the Global Game Jam.

A Game Jam brings together all types of game developers and designers, amateur, professional and students. Typically participants work in small teams, racing to produce as complete a game as possible with limited time and resources. Join with your friends or just by yourself, team formation will happen on the spot.





  1. Tieto Gen T trainee programme

Do you want to change perspectives with us? Our Gen T trainee programme positions will be open in February! Check them out http://tieto.com/careers/


  1. Apply now for Vaisala Giant Leap Summer Internship!

Looking for a summer internship with a difference? The Vaisala Giant Leap Internship Program might be the one for you.  Our internship opportunities allow you to tackle real-life challenges through meaningful assignments on the cutting edge of international business, science and technology.

Our challenging and meaningful program is designed for 3+ year students in a university or polytechnic with a variety of skills, qualities and educational backgrounds. Come as you are, as long as you are curious! This year, we are looking for talented students to tackle challenging and rewarding projects ranging from market analysis & competitor mapping projects to various production development projects and product & software development projects.

The application is now open – go to www.vaisala.com/giantleap for more details on project contents, requirements and instructions on how to apply. Find us also on Facebook www.facebook.com/VaisalaGiantLeap and Instagram @vaisalagroup to get the latest news on the summer 2016 projects and to stay in the loop of the recruitment process. Check out this video and find out, what our last year’s interns had to say about the program.

Be sure to send in your application by February 7th, we’re looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. Call for outstanding candidates for the Stanford University International Summer School 2016

Advanced bachelor’s/beginning master’s students at Aalto University have an excellent opportunity to apply for Stanford Summer Session International Honors Program (IHP) held between  20 June – 16 August , 2016 in California.  Aalto University, in conjunction with SSIHP, will provide a maximum of six full scholarships. The aim is to support the participation of one Aalto student from each School provided that suitable candidates can be found.

Deadline for applications is on Jan 27.

Further information: https://into.aalto.fi/display/grants/Call+for+outstanding+candidates+for+the+Stanford+University+International+Summer+School+2016


  1. Sign up for running events of the spring at more affordable prices!

You can now register for some sports in the Finnish Student Championships! You can sign up for 10km and half-marathon, which are organised as part of running events organised in Helsinki. Both events provide student discount for participants. Read the contest newsletter 7/2015 of the Finnish Student Championships at: http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=261e84f8d2d5c9c2c52328fbd&id=1d1b6573b0

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