Association Newsletter for the week 8/2016

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 8/2016.

 Content of the newsletter

  1. Operating grant application and the submitting of association notices to begin on 1 March
  2. Main administrator notifications for Otax must be made by 29 Mar
  3. Sign up for Smökki’s kitchen training


  1. Operating grant application and the submitting of association notices to begin on 1 March

The submitting of AYY’s annual association notices and the application period for the operating grant will begin on 1 March and end on 31 March. All associations in the first and second list of AYY’s association register must submit the association notice. If the association notice is not submitted, the association may be removed from AYY’s association register. Only associations in the first list of the association register may apply for the operating grant and the application is their association notice at the same time. If you are uncertain whether your association belongs to the first or the second list, please contact the organisation specialist. Both the operating grant application and the association notice are filled in the TAHLO system ( More specific instructions on the application process and the association notice are provided during February.

If you already know that your association cannot meet the deadline, please contact the organisation specialist ( We may grant additional time for justified reasons if you request it on time. Otherwise, late or incomplete applications will not be addressed.

Operating grant applications and association notices will be processed as soon as possible and grants will be allocated in April-May.

The association profile on is a prerequisite for the operating grant. Associations are responsible for updating their profiles (/wp-admin/). If you have any problems (forgotten username, for example), please send email to At the same address, you can receive more information and help with the association notice and the application process. You can also get in touch by phone at 050 520 9442. The best time to reach the organisation specialist is on weekdays at 10am-2pm.


  1. Main administrator notifications for Otax must be made by 29 Mar

This concerns associations which have websites or usernames for AYY’s web hotel service Otax.

Main administrator notifications for Otax must be made by 29 March. For those accounts which do not provide the notification, the username will be locked on 1 Apr and the site will be closed.

At the same time, the notifier needs to check running applications, users with access to the username, etc. Detailed instructions can be found in the notification form. Please reserve enough time for filling in the notification and for checking the site.

You can fill in the notification at

Further information on Otax services is available at /en/associations/services/it-services/website-services-on-otax/

AYY: IT services can be reached at


  1. Sign up for Smökki’s kitchen training

Would you or your association like to organise a party at Smökki and take care of catering by yourself? Are you not familiar with how to use a catering kitchen?

There is a solution to your problems: Smökki’s kitchen training.

Training session will be held at 5pm on Thursday, 25 Feb 2016.

Please sign up by 3pm on Wed, 24 Feb at We will confirm your registration by email. The maximum of the first 20 people to sign up can participate in the training session. If more than 20 people register, the rest will be added on the waiting list in case of cancellations. The training session will be held in Finnish!

Further information: IE Director 2014 Henry Sanmark (



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

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