The AYY is looking for the Learning Promotion Deed and the International Deed of 2015! DL 13.4.2016

It’s time once again to award the Learning Promotion Deed and the International Deed of the year! Did a professor, student association or someone else that you know do something special to promote learning or the internationality of Aalto in 2015? Does some party or person you know deserve recognition for a brilliant idea or effort to promote learning or internationality? If so, nominate their deed to receive the award! The award can be given to a person, group or association that operates in the sphere of Aalto.

Send your nomination with the following forms by 13.4.2016:

The Learning Deed of the Year:

The International Deed of the Year:

Include a description of the deed and reasons why this deed should win the award. The award will be presented at the annual ball of the Aalto University Student Union on 14.5.2016

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