Tempaus2016 is populating Finland’s 2,400 comprehensive schools in November

Press release
Publishable Wed 20.4.2016 at 5 pm

Students are arranging the millennium’s largest and most extensive Tempaus in November 2016, when Tempaus students from Aalto university take to their feet to go into Finland’s 2,400 comprehensive schools. The aim of Tempaus is to draw attention to the state of comprehensive schooling in Finland and ensure that the level of comprehensive schooling is also secured in the future. A programme that has been planned in advance will be carried out in all the schools, together with the pupils.

The comprehensive schooling that began in the 1960s, and is common to everyone, is indisputably Finland’s most important success factor in the world. The development and technology of our times offer new possibilities for teaching and learning that are not yet being fully exploited in Finland. Studies show that the study success of comprehensive school pupils and motivation to learn are declining and the learning environments do not meet today’s requirements.

Comprehensive schooling – the most valuable treasure

“Modernising teaching and learning methods is not simple, but instead it requires a desire for change from different parties, all the way from the school desk to the level of the national Government,” says Niko Ferm, who is co-ordinating Tempaus. “Tempaus students want to indicate the direction for this change and show their support for the teachers and pupils. Comprehensive schooling is Finland’s most valuable treasure!”.

The theme of Tempaus was made public to a large audience in the WappuAalto event at Alvarin Aukio in Otaniemi on Wednesday, 20.4. at 5 pm.

What is Tempaus? Tempaus events are a way for students to exercise influence on current issues by making use of people power, with a twinkle in their eyes, but still seriously. Tempaus events from years gone by have been, for example:

  • The Finnfocus export show by economics students next to Tower Bridge in London in 1968. 15,000 English people got to know Finnish products.
  • The move Tempaus of the teekkaris that took over the Helsinki city centre in 1966, which moved the Helsinki University of Technology Otaniemi.

Further information:

  • The co-ordinator of the Tempaus section, Niko Ferm, niko.ferm@aalto.fi, tel. 050 994 3120
  • The person in charge of communications of the Tempaus section, Noora Vänttinen, noora.vanttinen@aalto.fi, tel. 040 7316120

Tempaus2016 on the social media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tempaus2016
Instagram: @Tempaus2016
Twitter: @Tempaus2016
Hashtags: #Tempaus2016, #aarre

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