Association newsletter 21/2016

1. Operating grants for 2016 and missing association notices

Operating grants have been distributed for 2016, and the granted sums are available for viewing at

Operating grants shall be paid as soon as all conditions for the grant have been fulfilled. For most associations, payment orders have been made for May 13. The payment will show on the account entered into the TAHLO system within two weeks.

If the association’s profile on AYY’s web site is incomplete, the association shall be contacted separately. The profile must be complete per the instructions given during the round of applications before the operating grant can be paid. Associations shall not be contacted separately about appendices for which an extension has been granted; the appendices must be submitted per the instructions given along with the extension before the operating grant can be paid.

Associations that have not yet submitted their association notice for 2016 must do so by 11:59 PM on June 8 at Applications for operating grants can no longer be submitted. If the notice has not been submitted by the deadline for the second consecutive year, the association may be removed entirely from the student union’s associations register.

2. Make EUR 500 for your association at Helsinki City Marathon!

The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) pays EUR 500 to a group of students who commit to take responsibility for the volunteers at Helsinki City Marathon drinking point (at minimum 20 persons). The biggest marathon event in Finland will take place on Saturday 13 August 2016, and the preliminary location of the drinking point, famous for OLL’s good music and atmosphere, is in Lauttasaari. The volunteer work starts at approx. 14:00 and lasts until 20:30.

Are you interested? Send a free application to: at the latest by Sunday 5 June!

3. Survey of association IT-service needs

AYY is investigating the IT-service needs of associations within AYY. Investigation will be performed by the survey below. The association affairs section hopes that every association will fill in the form.

In addition to the survey, the sector would like to interview a few associations with different profiles and needs for more detailed information. The interviews will be conducted from Tuesday 14.6 and the associations to be interviewed will be selected based on a sign up in the survey. The selected associations will be informed on Wednesday 8.6.

The survey and interview sign up are open till Friday 27.5. and there will be a raffle for three free uses of Tieto-sauna in 2016 between all associations that have attended the survey and signed up for the interview.

Survey of association IT-service needs (form in Finnish, please contact Ilkka Särkiö for further information)

4. Aalto Wellbeing Week

In autumn, the AYY and Aalto University are arranging a wellbeing week in week 40 (3.10.-7.10.2016) for all Aalto people. There are many events in store, including lectures relating to wellbeing, the workouts of Unisport and various kinds of workshops. Would you like your association to be involved in the week’s programme, for example through a try-out of a sport or some other activity? If interested, send an e-mail to

5. Call for volunteers to help asylum seekers

Would you like to help asylum seekers living in Otaniemi with their everyday lives and teach them language in everyday situations? This activity will take place in the form of things such as theme evenings, playing board games and helping with shopping.

If you’d like to join, contact Riikka Keskitalo ( or Jimmy Nylund (

6. Come to the development cooperation week with your association!

The AYY is arranging a development cooperation week from 10.10.2016 to 16.10.2016, the aim of which is to increase knowledge about global issues and development cooperation as a part of the career and life of an Aalto person. Associations are invited to get involved in the development cooperation week and organise events: for example, discussion events, film nights or workshops. A reward for taking part can be paid, at least to cover the costs of the event.

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