Association newsletter 23/2016

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 23/2016.

Hasn’t your association made an association notice yet? The last moments to make a notice are at hand. The notice must be made by 11.59 pm on 8.6. in the TAHLO system: After this, the association register will be cleaned up of the associations who have not made a notice for two years! Contact the organisation specialist (jarjestö if there are problems with the notice.

Save the date! The association training of AYY will be held this year on 8.12.

The association bulletin is taking a summer holiday. The association bulletin is next out on Friday, 19.8.


Content of the newsletter

  1. Missing association notices
  2. The possibility to apply for the club premises of OtaHoas
  3. Save he date: AYY’s association training 8th of Dec
  1. Missing association notices

Associations that have not yet submitted their association notice for 2016 must do so by 11:59 PM on June 8 at Applications for operating grants can no longer be submitted. If the notice has not been submitted by the deadline for the second consecutive year, the association may be removed entirely from the student union’s associations register.

Filling out the association notice you will need:

* Rules in effect
* The annual report for 2015
* The strategy for 2016
* A list of the officers

Fill out the following tabs: Basic Information (also The Association Board at the bottom of the page), the Offices and Attachments. You do not need to care about the Operating Grant tab.

You can log in by using the association’s user name and password. These are the same as during the last round of operating grant applications. If you have forgotten the username or have any problems logging in, please contact the organisational sector (jarjestoasiat at If an association does not already have a username and password, these can be created during the first log in. Every association creates the username and password by themselves, unless they have been entered in the system in advance. When you are creating a new username, it is preferred to use the official abbreviation of the association or the name in use. The password needs to be at least 8 characters and needs to include special characters and numbers. Store the password somewhere safe: you will need it again next year.

Take care when filling out the information. The basic information from last year is copied automatically, so you do not need to fill out every box. You can update the form until it closes at 23.59 on March 31st, so you do not need to do everything at once. Remember to save your changes! Please also note, that the form has some fields that the association cannot fill in by themselves (for example the class within the Register of Associations that the association belongs to). These fields will be filled in by the organisational sector.


  1. The possibility to apply for the club premises of OtaHoas

Club premises have become available to OtaHoas (the joint resident committee of the student accommodation sites of Otaniemi owned by Hoas) in the properties of Jämeräntaipale, Servin Maijan tie and Servinkuja as well. The associations of Otaniemi, the clubs formed by the residents and other groups are being offered the opportunity to manage these premises.

The sizes of the premises on offer vary from about 25 to 80 square metres. Almost all the premises have a toilet either in the premises or near them. No rent is charged for the premises. The premises cannot be used during the quiet period because there are residential apartments around them. OtaHoas can provide support with the expenses relating to the adoption of club premises.

The purpose of use of the premises is not restricted, but it must be one that promotes the comfort of residents. The administrators have a duty to allow the residents of Otaniemi use the premises free of charge provided that they can use the premises themselves for their own requirements.

OtaHoas will arrange viewings of the premises from Monday, 20.6., when it will be possible to get acquainted with the premises. Applications for the usage plan of the club premises must be sent by Sunday, 3.7.

Further information, registering for a viewing and application instructions are on the web pages of OtaHoas:

Lisätietoa, ilmoittautuminen läpikatsantaan ja hakemusohjeet ovat OtaHoasin verkkosivuilla:


  1. Save he date: AYY’s association training 8th of Dec

This year AYY’s association training will be organized on Dec 8th at Design Factory. The training will most likely be held in Finnish and if so a separate session in English will also be organized on another date.

You can send wishes and ideas about the training to



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

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