Association newsletter for the week 35/2016

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 35/2016.

Now there is a great opportunity to earn some money for your association! Get a group together or join forces with other associations at the Sillis for the Traditional Teekkari Dinner Party. The fee is EUR 800. Read more in section 2.

We have received feedback about the noise caused by the use of Gorsu from the residents at Jämeräntaival 5 and its surroundings. It is important to be considerate when using the facilities, so please remember to abide with the usage rules. Please remind your friends to remember the nearby residents in addition to having fun. If disturbances still continue, AYY will change the time of use for the facilities to end at 23:00 instead of the current 03:00. Read more in section 1.

Upcoming events and important dates for associations and actives

28.8.: Associations’ registration for Aalto Afterparties and freshmen orientation event Otasuunnistus will close (see sections 2 and 3)
6.9.: Aalto Party (associations’ registration has closed):
6.9.: Aalto Afterparty
7.9.-8.9.: Otasuunnistus orientation event
30.9.: TTER application round closes (see x)
8.12.: AYY Association Training

Content of the newsletter

  1. To be noted in using Gorsu
  2. Join the Aalto Afterparty on September 6!
  3. Arrange a checkpoint at Otasuunnistus 7-8 Sept!
  4. The third application round of TTE-Fund in 2016 is open until Sep 30 11:59 pm.
  5. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

1. To be noted in using Gorsu

After the summer, AYY has received feedback about the noise problem that the use of Gorsu has caused for residents of JMT 5. The walls and roof of the facilities do not block all the noise coming from the facilities, which significantly influences the comfort of living of the residents nearby.

For this reason, AYY reminds all the users of these facilities about the general usage rules for the facilities, in particular section stating that “Facilities are used in accordance with the law, regulations and good manners”. In addition, the facilities are in use until 03:00, but since the premises are in connection with a residential property, special attention must be paid to Section 4 in the Rules and Regulations of the Teekkari Village: “On weekdays between 11pm–7am and on weekends and public holidays between 12midnight–9am, singing, playing, loud use of a television, radio or stereo equipment and such other noise is prohibited, excluding a correctly performed teekkari hymn.”

Those who do not abide with these rules will be penalised according to the sanctions listed in the Usage rules for the Student Union’s rental facilities.

If disturbances continue, AYY will change the time of use for the facilities to end at 23:00.


2. Earn EUR 800 for your association: a temp job at the Sillis for the Traditional Teekkari Party!

We offer associations the possibility to earn money at the Sillis for the Traditional Teekkari Dinner Party.

We need a group of 15 workers at the Sillis organised on 12 November, from approx. 08-20. The job includes everything from the morning arrangements and cooking to cleaning up. The job will pay the association a fee of EUR 800.

If your association can’t get the required number of workers together, the job can be shared between two associations. It would be best, however, if one group could take care of the whole thing.

Registrations and inquiries can be sent to Yours Truly.

Ella Potka
ella.potka ät


3. Join the Aalto Afterparty on September 6!

Would your association like to be part of the year’s first, biggest and most amazing event? Join the Aalto Afterparty!

The traditional Aalto Afterparty will be held on the Tuesday of orientation week, and as usual, we’ll have brilliant performers, fabulous surroundings and a great vibe! We also want to offer associations an opportunity to get exposure at the event and to promote their activities to new students in a relaxed fashion. Many associations are probably already involved in other events during orientation week, such as the Aalto Party or Otasuunnistus, but at these events, students may easily get confused with so much on offer. The Aalto Afterparty would give you a chance to stand out from the crowd and make a memorable impression of your association! To participate, all you need is an inspiring, spirited activity that reflects your association, plus the people and equipment needed for organizing it.

You can inform us of your willingness to participate by sending e-mail to afterparty ät by Sunday, August 28.

We welcome you to make the Aalto Afterparty even faster and more stunning. 😉

For more information about the event, see

With late summer greetings,
The Aalto Afterparty Committee


4. Arrange a checkpoint at Otasuunnistus!

Orientation will be here soon and so will the Otasuunnistus. I welcome your organisation to participate in Otasuunnistus on both Wednesday September 7th and Thursday September 8th. At your checkpoint you shall give the freshmen small tasks and reward them with points.  The checkpoints are open from 5PM to 10PM, and the afterparty starts in Smökki at 9:30PM. You can register your checkpoint until the 28th of August with this form:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

Turkka Helin
Freshman Major
+358 50 4033854 |


5. The third application round of TTE-Fund in 2016 is open until Sep 30 11:59 pm.

The third application round of TTE-Fund in 2016 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited!

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The third application round of 2016 will end on Friday, 30th of September 2016, at 11:59 pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at:

Deadlines for the application rounds 2016 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at Also check out the facebook site at


6. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Persons who are at the final stage of their studies or who have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students and other student activities at Aalto University and promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member. Nominations can be made until 23.59 on 12 Oct 2016 at

Nominations can be made by an individual, guild, association or by several people, guilds or associations.

More information on PTK is available at:



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

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