Association newsletter 40/2016

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This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 40/2016.

The last moments to reply to the associations’ training wishes survey are here! There is still time until next Thursday! Replies are hoped for from all the associations operating on the campus. The form can be found at:

Tempaus is coming and your association can apply to join in as a checkpoint keeper on the Tempaus cruise (read more in part 2)!

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

6.10.: Survey on training wishes closes:
8.12.: AYY Association Training

Content of the newsletter

  1. Survey on training wishes for the associations DL 6.10.!
  2. Checkpoint keepers for the Tempaus cruise
  3. Association deals for the concert of Retuperän WBK and the Polytech Choir, Saturday, 29.10.2016


  1. Survey on training wishes for the associations DL 6.10.!

AYY is again organising association training on 8.12. at Design Factory and planning of the training is now beginning. An English session will be arranged separately according to demand. Now we’re hoping that as many associations as possible will reply to the survey regarding the training, which we’ll use to plan the association training of December and possible separate training sessions. There is time to reply to the survey until 6.10. and there’ll be a prize draw for the respondents for a free booking of the premises at either the Otaniemi Tietosauna or the Vaasankatu sauna and cabinet, to be used by 31.5.2017. Note that reservations after Jan 1st 2017 can be made after advance bookings, but you can also use the free reservation in the advance bookin period. More information about advance booking later on.

The link to the survey:


  1. Checkpoint keepers for the Tempaus cruise

We’re looking for checkpoint keepers for the Tempaus cruise setting sail on 2.11. This is the Baltic Queen’s 22 hour cruise to Tallinn, which sets off on Wednesday, 2.11 at 6.30 pm and returns the next day at 4 pm.

We would like the arrangement of a fun programme from the associations that keep the checkpoints in the common areas of the ship during the early part of the evening of the cruise, around 7 pm to 10 pm. In return, we offer the groups we select a cruise ticket for four persons and of course the opportunity to present the activities of the association to the cruise guests as much as they like!

If you association is interested, mail marko.laakso[ä] by Friday, 7.10.

More information about Tempaus:


  1. Association deals for the concert of Retuperän WBK and the Polytech Choir, Saturday, 29.10.2016

Retuperän WBK and the Polytech Choir are holding their first ever joint concert in the Helsinki Music Centre on Saturday, 29.10. at 1 pm and 5 pm. A brilliantly entertaining package of culture is in store! Hearing the whole male choir and the chemically fortified horn septet is a rousing experience that is different from the serenades and midnight trumpetings heard in Smökki and other festive locations (further information about the concert:

We are offering every association the opportunity to order tickets directly through us to our Helsinki Music Centre (and Turku) concerts. This means that you’ll get the tickets without delivery fees (in the Helsinki Music Centre, €2.50-€3.50 per ticket; this would be added to the price of the tickets when ordering online) when you order at least five tickets in one go through us. In a joint order, we’ll do our best to make sure that you’ll get the best possible places, as close to each other as possible. The concert tickets are cheap. For only 15 euros, a student can get to enjoy the pearls of culture. For older practitioners of academia, the price list is also suitable for the Master’s purse, with prices starting at 30 euros. The best seats in the concert halls will be sold for 40 and 65 euros.

If you’re interested or have questions, contact jori.jamsa[ä] or rwbk[ä] For logistical reasons, we would like orders by Wednesday,19.10 at the latest. Please tell us if this schedule is a problematic one for you. You’ll be informed about the delivery or collection of the tickets in conjunction with the order.



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

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