Association newsletter 41/2016

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 41/2016.

Next week is AYY’s Development Cooperation Week! There will be events such as inequality coffee, movie night, discussions and debates, a “running dinner”, surprise performances and a bag and comics workshop. Check out bulletins 3 and 4 and also Facebook

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

10.10.-14.10.: AYY’s Development Cooperation Week:
8.12.: AYY Association Training

Content of the newsletter

  1. Special status association member lists available from AYY
  2. Communications 101 for the weekly newsletter
  3. Next week is AYY’s Development Cooperation Week!
  4. Donate unclaimed lost & found stuffs of your association at ‘AYY Global Development Week’ event

  1. Special status association member lists available from AYY

All special status associations whose membership fees have been payable through Oodi along with the AYY membership fee may request their member lists from AYY between October 10 and 16 at tietotekniikka(at) and after October 17 from the administrative manager at johanna.pietilainen(at)

The member list includes each member’s name, municipality of residence and e-mail address.


  1. Communications 101 for the weekly newsletter

The weekly newsletter is published during the academic year on Mondays in three languages. Materials must be sent to on the Thursday of the previous week by 10 AM. The information officer will then edit the content and send it for translation. If proficiency in a specific language is essential for your notice, state it in the text explicitly, e.g. “The seminar will be in Finnish!” to make sure it will be included in the other language versions. The translations are available for viewing at on Monday – take advantage of them with your Facebook events, for example. Texts delivered in English will be published in English in all language versions.

The optimal length of a notice is about two paragraphs + link for more information. This amounts to about 100 words, 750 characters or 10 lines. The more concise the text, the better. Remember to give your text a catchy title!

By default, one notice is published in the newsletter once. If there are few other notices, one news item may be published several times. The student union’s own announcements and those of organizations operating in the immediate sphere of the union take priority over other news. You can state a desired week of publication for your notice. Also, let us know if the time of publication is crucial for some promotional event, for example. Without any special information/wishes, notices will be published in the newsletter about 1-2 weeks before the big date (i.e. date of the event, deadline for sign-ups).

Questions? Feedback? Suggestions? Contact AYY information officer Henna Palonen at tiedottaja(ä) or 0505209440.


  1. Next week is AYY’s Development Cooperation Week!

What would you like to make better in the world by 2030? What are the effects of your actions or career on the environment here or in developing countries? Learn and take inspiration from the themes of sustainable development and initiatives and innovations related to them during AYY’s Development Cooperation Week. The week kicks off with a flea market in Otaniemi and Töölö, followed by events such as inequality coffee, movie night, discussions and debates, a “running dinner”, surprise performances and a bag and comics workshop. Events will be organized at all campuses. Welcome!

See the more detailed program on Facebook:


  1. Donate unclaimed lost & found stuffs of your association at ‘AYY Global Development Week’ event

AYY is organizing ‘AYY Global Development Cooperation week’ from 10th to 16th Oct. The opening event ‘Flea Market’ in Otaniemi & Töölö main building lobby aims to promote sustainability and effective utilization of resources. More information about the event can be found on fb link:

For Otaniemi :
For Töölö :

We are inviting the associations to donate unclaimed lost & found stuffs during the event. Please reply to this mail if you plan to bring stuff to the event so that we can arrange space. The event is on Monday (10.10) between 10 to 13 hrs.!

Please contact us in case you need clarification. You can call +358417266344 (Alok) for quick response.

Thank you
Best Regards
Alok & Maja



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

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