Tempaus2016: 1,400 students are visiting 1,500 comprehensive schools from Utö to Utsjoki

Press Release
To be published immediately

1,400 student participants have signed up for the Tempaus2016 student project. The participants will visit nearly 1,500 comprehensive schools on Monday, 31.10. and Tuesday, 1.11. At the schools, a pre-planned motivational programme will be carried out together with the pupils.

The most popular programme packages have been Arkielämän pulmapakki (‘The Problem Pack of Daily Life’), which applies the learning of maths in practice, and Kids Try Science, the aim of which is to fire up the interest of pupils in science and technology. The aim of the tempaus drive is to show support for the change in basic schooling and bring enjoyment and motivation for learning to school pupils. The patron of Tempaus2016 is the President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö.

“It’s great to have the whole tempaus crowd together now. Next, there’ll be bringing together the tempaus participants and schools, training the participants and, of course, as the highlight at the end, the actual tempaus days,” says Niko Ferm.

AYY, the student union of Aalto University, HYY, the student union of the University of Helsinki, LTKY, the student union of the Lappeenranta University of Technology, TTYY, the student union of the Tampere University of Technology and TYY, the student union of the University of Turku are involved in the recruitment of student participants in the drive.

Further information:

The co-ordinator of the Tempaus section Niko Ferm, niko.ferm@aalto.fi, 050 994 3120
The person responsible for the communications of the Tempaus section Noora Vänttinen, noora.vanttinen@aalto.fi, 040 7316120

Tempaus2016 in the social media

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tempaus2016
  • Instagram: @Tempaus2016
  • Twitter: @Tempaus2016
  • Hashtags: #Tempaus2016, #aarre
  • tempaus.fi

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