A recap of the usage terms of AYY’s one-off rental premises

During the autumn, it has increasingly begun to look as if people have concentrated in the premises on having fun. That’s good; the study years are a unique time and they should be enjoyed!

However, it would be good to remind oneself of certain basic issues, so that the traces of the celebrations don’t spoil the pleasure of other users of the premises at their own event, and so that the premises stay in good condition for coming student generations too. Here’s a summary of the key points:

  1. The rental terms have to be accepted every time that a booking is made by ticking the section “I accept the rental terms” in conjunction with the booking separately. Below this, there is also the section “Read the rental terms here”. In the rental terms themselves, there are parts stating the tasks of the person in charge, other usage instructions, which can be found on the web pages of AYY, and sanctions in the event that terms have been broken. No separate rental contract is made any more for premises, but instead it’s stated in the rental terms that “The rental contract comes into being upon acceptance of these usage terms with their appendices and upon receipt of the key”. In other words, always familiarise yourself with the text in small print too!
  2. Nothing much can go wrong if the usage regulations for the rental premises of AYY are complied with. If rental terms and usage regulations are not complied with, this will result in a sanction, the varying sizes of which can be seen in conjunction with the usage regulations.

In usage of the premises, taking the times of use on board seems to particularly cause the most intentional or accidental misunderstandings, so let’s recap them once more too:

  1. The time of use of any premises is defined separately and times of use can be found not only on AYY’s web pages, but also from the TILA system by clicking the name of any premises. Using the premises at other times without AYY’s permission is forbidden and punishable with sanctions. If one wishes to use any premises at times other than the ones stated, this must be requested separately and permission must be obtained from AYY, in the case of both morning and night-time use.

The rule of thumb is easy to remember: the time of use of any one-off rental premises in a residential building ends at the very latest by 11 pm. Longer usage times that differ from these can only be found in three party premises (the premises of OK20, Smökki and Rantasauna) and in guest cabins. In addition, for the moment the usage time of Gorsu is from 4 pm to 3 am, but because there have been an increasing number of warnings about the noise carrying across to flats from the premises, it’s quite possible that its usage time will also end at 11 pm if the disturbances continue.

  1. In conjunction with the usage regulations, there is also a cross-reference to the regulations of the Teekkari Village, and those should therefore also be taken on board. With regard to them, I will particularly highlight the reference to night-time peace in Section 4:

”On weekdays from 11 pm to 7 am and on weekends from 12 midnight to 9 am, singing, playing of music, use of loud TVs, radios, stereos and equivalent things, and any other kind of causing of noise, is forbidden, not including a teekkari hymn that is performed in an orthodox manner. If the case is one of a haphazard disturbance which cannot be avoided, agreement about the matter must be reached sufficiently early with the residents who would be affected by the disturbance.”

Please note that this Section also applies in the case that the user has been granted permission for night-time use. Therefore, authorised continued use of the premises into the early hours does not grant permission for fooling around, making noise and other actions that disturb residents.

To finish up, here’s still a reminder about returning the keys of the premises and the cancellation of premises:

  1. Remember to cancel premises that are not required as soon as the need for them is no longer there: however, at least 14 days before the date of use of the premises.
  2. Also remember to return the keys of the premises by 12 noon on the next working day to the service point: so, in the case of weekend bookings, by Monday the following week at the latest. Missing keys cause additional work for the service point. If keys are not returned, not only will you be charged for the costs of having new keys, but also for reserialisation of locks, so be careful with keys.
  3. Absolute huge piles of lost property have come to the office of AYY during the autumn from different events, and because we don’t have at all sufficient resources to deal with them, we have to dispose of objects on a regular basis. In addition, things have also been stolen in Otaniemi, for example during sauna sessions, so you should also keep in mind in that sense that no undesired guests come to events. Look after your things at events!

To recap: read the rental terms and usage regulations of the premises and the regulations of the Teekkari Village. Respect the times of use of the premises. Remember to cancel premises on time. Remember to return the keys on time. Take care of your possessions during events. Remember to have fun, but don’t disturb residents with your fun.

If you have any questions about the issue or development suggestions, contact AYY’s premises sector (tilat@ayy.fi).

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