AYY selected the Board for 2017 – Joona Orpana becomes the Chair

The Aalto University Student Union
Bulletin 25.11.2016
Available for immediate publication

The Council of the Student Union of Aalto University (AYY) selected the Board for the Student Union for 2017 in its meeting on Thursday, the 24th of November. The fourth-year student accounting student Joona Orpana was elected Chair of the Board. This year, Orpana has worked on the Board of AYY with responsibilities including housing issues, the planning of the student centre and the ‘Direction of the Student Union’ strategy work. Previously, he has worked actively among the economics students of Aalto University, including in the college and cultural committee.

The other nine (9) members of the Board of AYY are:

Hallitus 2017 kuvassa vasemmalta Ville Myllylä (ENG), Oskar Niemenoja (ELEC), Katariina Helin (BIZ), Onni Lampi (ELEC). Edessä Noora Vänttinen (ELEC), Petteri Heliste (SCI), Joona Orpana (BIZ) ja Konsta Huuki (SCI). Oikealla takana Pyry Huhtanen (SCI) ja Emmi Kosomaa (ENG).
The AYY board 2017 from left  Ville Myllylä (ENG), Oskar Niemenoja (ELEC), Katariina Helin (BIZ), who’s in Singapore at the moment, Onni Lampi (ELEC). In front Noora Vänttinen (ELEC), Petteri Heliste (SCI), Joona Orpana (BIZ) ja Konsta Huuki (SCI). On right behind  Pyry Huhtanen (SCI) ja Emmi Kosomaa (ENG).

• Petteri Heliste, SCI
• Katariina Helin, BIZ
• Pyry Huhtanen, SCI
• Konsta Huuki, SCI
• Emmi Kosomaa, ENG
• Onni Lampi, ELEC
• Ville Myllylä, ENG
• Oskar Niemenoja, ELEC
• Noora Vänttinen, ELEC

During the coming year, AYY will concentrate on realisation of its strategy. At the core, there is the building of the Aalto identity, exercising social influence and increasing the number of student flats and developing the housing service. “This bunch have excellent prerequisites to further objectives which are important to the Student Union and represent Aalto people widely,” says the Chair of the Board, Joona Orpana.

The term of the Board will begin in January and last a calendar year. The new Board will organise itself in its first meeting.

The Student Union of Aalto University, AYY, is a service and advocacy organisation for around 15,000 students of Aalto University. AYY acts as the advocate of the interests of its members, particularly in education policy and study-social matters.

Further information:
Joona Orpana, Chair of the Board 2017, joona.orpana@ayy.fi, 040 755 9071

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