AYY’s sections for 2017 have been nominated!

Community Section Aava
Aava, i.e. the community section of the student Union of Aalto University, creates and nurtures Aalto culture. The objective of Aava is to bring all the students of Aalto together and facilitate the joy of doing things together and great experiences for all Aalto people, regardless of their field of study.

Joanna Haahti – Chair
Aino Hautala
Elina Makkonen
Heidi Kivistö
Henri Heilala
Jenina Noki
Juha Piipponen
Kari Karttunen
Noora Vartiainen
Otso Seppälä
Patrik Holopainen

Teekkari Section
The Teekkari Section arranges lively and teekkari-minded activities in the Aalto community, nurtures teekkari traditions and maintains teekkari culture, as well as acting as a support for the associations that organise teekkari culture events.

Sirius Vuorikoski – Chair
Anna Anttalainen – IE Director
Ella Potka – Teekkari Tradition Director
Jessica Mason – Chairperson of the International Committee
Johanna Kuronen – Teekkari Culture Director
Jonne Itäpuro – Chairperson of the ISO Committee
Lauri Nyrhilä – Chairperson of the Freshman Committee
Tapio Särkkä – May Day Director
Topi Hämäläinen – Precentor Director
Tuomas Rantataro – Lakinlaskijaiset Director
Tyko Viertiö – Teekkari Culture Director
Reeta Ojala – International Director
Susanna Tamminen – ISO Director
Turkka Helin – Freshman Major

Corporate Relations Section
The task of the corporate relations section is to take care of the corporate relations of the Student Union. The objective of the corporate relations section is to bring the students of Aalto and companies closer together in a way that benefits both sides.

Juha Korpio – Chair
Kristian Perttunen – Vice-chair
Alok Jain
Kaarle Leinonen
Le Phoung Anh
Samuel Rantataro

International Section Mosaic
The International Section, Mosaic, arranges multicultural events which support practical learning of languages and getting acquainted with other cultures. The intention is to motivate Finns to internationalise and make the integration of foreign students who come to Finland into the Aalto community easier.

Noora Matilainen – Chair
Thy Nguyen
Mcha Khamis
Babak Mohajeri
Azadeh Rostami
Anna Engström
Kiran Vangapattu

Campus Section
The Campus Section develops the campus area of Aalto University, Otaniemi, into a more pleasant place to live in and environment to study in, creating the prerequisites for student culture, well-being and communal spirit. The aim is to have the best university campus in Finland.

Peppi Seppälä – Chair
Johanna Vuorelma
Oskari Korpelainen
Markus Holste
Rosa Väisänen
Laura Strömberg
Taneli Härmä
Riku Suonsivu
Kati Kinnunen
Anniina Taivainen

Advocacy management group Edujory
The advocacy management group (Edujory) consists of persons in charge of student representatives in administration (hallopeds) at each Aalto School and AYY’s advocacy sector. Its role is to act as a communications channel between the student union and the schools in education policy and other advocacy issues.

Merit Morikawa – SCI
Elisa Nuutinen – CHEM
Lauri Vähä-Savo – ELEC
Joel Kulikoff – BIZ
Saana Rossi – ARTS

The sections form the heart of the student union’s volunteering as they work as directly on the different sectors. The sections enliven the union’s communications, produce most of AYY’s cultural and sports events and take part in sales and event producing on the corporate relations sector. Congrats to those nominated and an awesome, inspiring and dazzling year 2016 for everyone!

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