Weekly Newsletter 3/2017

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 3/2017

Take full advantage of Finnish Student Health Service’s new Self service: Start by entering your contact details http://bit.ly/2iOcg4Z

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

  1. This and next week’s events
  3. Robert’s Coffee Otaniemi serves you nearby!
  4. Make your summer count – Vaisala Giant Leap Internship
  5. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open!
  7. Come and join us for Finland 100 coffee
  8. Tools and contacts for summer job hunting from Aalto Career Services events
  9. Laskiaisrieha 2017
  10. Join AIESEC and challenge your limits
  11. Apply to the 2017 iGEM team!
  12. Finnish Game Jam Espoo, Otaniemi 20.1 – 22.1
  13. Polijazz’s weekly classes start on Thursday Jan 26th, 2017.
  14. SHORINJI KEMPO – spring basic course 2017

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 3

Week 4


Do you want to work in the best student union in the world? We’re now looking for a brand co-ordinator for our team, for part-time and fixed-term project work, as well as a full-time press officer to cover family leave.

Further information:

3.    Robert’s Coffee Otaniemi serves you nearby!

Where: Aalto University Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9.

Open: Mon-Thu 9.00 – 20.00, Fri 09:00 – 18:00, Sat 10:00 – 15:00, according to the learning centre opening hours.

Are you looking for a place in Otaniemi to meet people, get inspired at your job or on your free time, and enjoy a high-quality snack with fresh roasted coffee? Robert’s Coffee Otaniemi is the only place in the neighbourhood where you can accompany your delicious snack and coffee with authentic Gelato ice cream made fresh on the spot. Robert’s Coffee Otaniemi also has a liquor license, and a possibility to provide catering for the learning centre meeting services.

Come visit us. More information on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/robertscoffeeotaniemi/


4.    Make your summer count – Vaisala Giant Leap Internship

Is your ideal summer job made of meaningful opportunities? Would you like to kick-start your career in an innovative and international environment? We at Vaisala offer you a highly valued internship program that our previous generations of Giant Leapers describe as memorable, challenging and just a splendid experience in general. Do your future self a favor and apply now!

Our challenging and meaningful program is designed for 3+ year students in a university or polytechnic with a variety of skills, qualities and educational backgrounds. Each year we handpick exciting real business challenges for our Giant Leapers to manage. The projects range from product and software development to industrial engineering, sourcing, marketing and human resources – just to name a few. Our unique approach helps you to improve your skills and gain special insight into our mission of creating observations for a better world. The highlight of your three-month #myvaisalasummer will be presenting the outcomes of your project to our board of executives.

We appreciate our Giant Leapers and treat them as our own right from the get-go. The open and supportive atmosphere makes it easy to enjoy your summer with us. We don’t expect you to have all the answers but we hope you have lots of questions.

So if you are ready to work hard, do your best and take this leap with us, see our projects for the upcoming summer and pick yours! We invite 20 bright and motivated young talents to Helsinki, Finland or to the United States, in Boulder, Colorado. Learn more about the program and project details on Giant Leap Facebook and web page and submit your application before February the 5th. Come as you are as long as you’re curious!

5.    The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open!

The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The first application round of 2017 will end on Sunday, 22 January 2017, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/

Deadlines for the application rounds of spring 2017 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto.


Come and find out about your exchange opportunities at Aalto University’s common student exchange fair! At the site, you’ll also hear about training opportunities abroad and the grants of Aalto University’s careers and recruitment services for international training. In addition to the representatives of the colleges, may external parties will be involved, such as Kilroy Education, ISIC Finland, Campus France etc.

As part of the exchange fair, the Finnish-Iranian stand-up comedian, presenter and radio personality Ali Jahangiri is coming to talk to the students of Aalto about internationalisation and the benefits it brings in his own side-splitting style. Ali knows what he’s talking about; he’s an alumnus of Aalto University and was on a student exchange himself during his studies.

You’re welcomed to come and listen to Ali Jahangiri in the Aalto Hall (Otakaari 1) on Monday, 16.1.2017 from 2 pm to 3.30 pm! The exchange fair is in the upper lobby of the Aalto Hall (Otakaari 1) from 12 noon to 3.30 pm. Further information: https://www.facebook.com/events/221651591595388/

7.    Come and join us for Finland 100 coffee

Do you want to hear more about CodeBus Africa? Or, maybe create wild visions of your own for the next one hundred years of Finland and Aalto University?

You are very welcome to get acquainted with Aalto’s Finland 100 projects and the Game Changers timeline on Thursday 26 January 2017 at 9.30 in the Undergraduate Centre’s main lobby (Otakaari 1, entrances F and Z).

Please, register now or on 20 January at the latest. https://www.webropolsurveys.com/Answer/SurveyParticipation.aspx?SDID=Fin1236318&SID=9380668d-b9f2-463e-a49d-f6827f952eff&dy=2070635049

Welcome,  Tuula

8.    Tools and contacts for summer job hunting from Aalto Career Services events

Summer Job! Day 2017 to all Aalto University students looking for a summer job

Wed January 18, 2017 from 9.45 am to 2.15 pm

At Undergraduate Center 1st and 2nd floor lobbies (Otakaari 1, Espoo)

Over 50 different organizations presenting their summer job opportunities

Visit to the Harald Herlin Learning Centre Videostudio

Wed 18.1.2017 at 14:30 – 15:30.

List of participating employers as well as all updated information at Aalto CareerWeb & Facebook events.

There are already plenty of summer jobs available in Aalto CareerWeb’s job board for all Aalto students.

See you in the event!

9.    Laskiaisrieha 2017

On Shrove Tuesday, 28.2.2016, it’s time to find you something that passes for a sled and head on over to Kaivopuisto park, Helsinki! Students from all over are showing up for an action-packed afternoon outdoors – so why not you as well?

In addition to the open and casual sledding there will be music, competitions and great activities! The most daring and ambitious take part in the legendary ABB Academic Downhill Race, where teams pilot their home-made sleds down the Ullanlinnanmäki hillside in the hope of winning the grand prize! They are judged not only on their run’s distance, but creativity and showmanship as well.

Round up your own team, design and build your own sled! Fascinate the audience and the judges with ingenious designs to win great prizes! Enter the race by signing up at www.laskiaisrieha.fi.

The best time to enjoy the great outdoors is between 11AM and 4PM. The momentum peaks at 1PM when the ABB Academic Downhill Race begins. This year the action doesn’t end after Kaivopuisto park calms up: the Vapaateekkarit have a surprise in their pockets for you – stay tuned! Grab a sled, dress warm and come join the festivities!

You will find the official afterparty at Gravitaatio by AYY!

Follow the event on social media: Laskiaisrieha and the event on facebook, instagram and twitter!

10.                  Join AIESEC and challenge your limits

AIESEC, with over 70,000 members is one of the largest student run organizations in the world. We are currently looking for more members to add to our amazing team. AIESEC provides opportunities to go on an exchange for multiple projects.

If you want to practice business management, public speaking or if you want to hang out with students from all around the world then AIESEC is for you. The application period will close shortly!

Sign up at: National Sign Up Form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHypOJHr7kM5D2lbAf68TrnO27lQb-vV2JsUtpqzqEWLq6ag/viewform?c=0&w=1

Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact: helen.kesete@aiesec.net

11.                  Apply to the 2017 iGEM team!

Apply for the coolest summer job ever! Carry out your own ideas and experiments in a student-driven research group, design and build a biological system of your own and compete with it in Boston. Learn immense amounts of new things and spend an unforgettable summer with synthetic biology.

This project involves everything – wet lab work, programming, engineering, fundraising, business strategy development, public outreach, research, art & design, team work and whatnot.

We are looking for students in both bachelor’s and master’s programmes to participate in the University of Helsinki and Aalto University’s team. Motivation and the willingness to learn are the top two priorities in this team. Even if you have never heard of synthetic biology, apply!

Read more on the recruitment page at www.aaltohelsinki.com and apply now!

12.                  Finnish Game Jam Espoo, Otaniemi 20.1 – 22.1

Do you want to make games? Well, here’s an event just for you!

FGJ Otaniemi is a part of the Global Game Jam (http://globalgamejam.org/). The goal of the event is to create a game in 48 hours during the weekend in groups. The game jam is held at the same time around the world.

Join with your friends or by yourself. The teams will be formed at the jam.

Free tickets are available here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fgj-espoo-otaniemi-tickets-30299834621. Be sure to get the tickets through eventbrite!

The event is held in the awesome premises of Startup Sauna, Otaniemi.

Address: Betonimiehenkuja 3 D,02150 Espoo

The event is organized by Digital Media Club of Aalto University DOT and Finnish Game Jam. The site has an age limit of 18+





13.                  Polijazz’s weekly classes start on Thursday Jan 26th, 2017.

Polijazz’s weekly classes start again on Thursday Jan 26th, 2017. Every Thursday: introduction to modern dance at 17 – 18.15, intermediate class at 18.15 – 19.30, and breakdance at 19.30 – 20.30.

Hip hop on Fridays at 17.00 and house at 18.00. Sign-ups and program on Polijazz’s website at polijazz.ayy.fi. Free trial for first-timers. See you at dance class!

14.                  SHORINJI KEMPO – spring basic course 2017

Do you want to get rid of stress, hurry and other worries two times a week? Do you wish something to balance your studies? Do you wish to concentrate on something different? Shorinji Kempo offers you a good chance to do that – for free!

Shorinji Kempo spring basic course starts on Thursday 19 January 2017 at 5.30 PM at UniDojo (address: Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 25). You can join the basic course until mid-February.

Basic course consists of training sessions on Thursdays at 5.30-7.00 PM, on Sundays at 7.30-9.30 PM at UniDojo as well as belt exam in May. Unisport sports fee is not required to be paid. No previous or special skills are needed, but interest in Shorinji Kempo and active participation in training sessions are required. For more information: http://www.helsinki.fi/jarj/shorinji/

Sign-up: hysk.mail@gmail.com

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