Association newsletter for the week 5/2017

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This AYY’s association newsletter for the week 5/2017

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

Feb 28th: Fastlagsjippot
Sep 8th: Opening ceremonies for the academic year 2017-2018

Content of the newsletter

  1. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by 29.3.
  2. AYY mail boxes revamped


  1. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by 29.3

Concerning associations which have webpages or IDs at AYY’s web hotel service Otax.

The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by 29.3. In the case of those accounts from which notifications have not been made, the IDs will be locked on 1.4. and the site will be closed down.

At the same time, the notifier must check the applications that are running, users who have access to the ID etc. You can find more detailed instructions on the notification form. Set aside enough time to make the notification and check the site.

You can make a notification at

More information Otax and other IT services offered by AYY to associations can be found at


  1. AYY mail boxes revamped

The associations’ mail boxes at the AYY central office have been revamped. The hanging pockets of the box have been replaced and colour-coded. This makes browsing the box easier in the future. Don’t forget to pick up your mail!

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