Emilia Mäenmaa chosen as the new editor-in-chief of the Aino magazine and the Committees of the Representative Council for 2017

Aalto University Student Union
Press release 22.2.2017
Publishable immediately

At the Representative Council meeting 2/2017, Emilia Mäenmaa was chosen as the new editor-in-chief  of the Aino magazine. Mäenmaa is a second-year communications student at the Aalto University business school. Mäenmaa has a strong knowledge of the Aalto community and she has versatile experience in journalism. Currently she is working as the chief editor of the Kylteri magazine.

“I’m grateful for the trust I’ve been shown and now it’s up to me to make my promises regarding Aino a reality!” Mäenmaa said after the appointment. “I wish to make Aino an easily approachable student magazine, which sparks conversation in the public and speaks to its reader base; the Aalto students.”

In its previous meeting on the 26th of January, the Representative Council named committees to help prepare its actions and decision-making in the sectors of finance, real-estate, community and societal influence. The committees act in the way they see fit and can receive assistance, training and information regarding different issues from the Board of the Student Union, the staff, volunteers and various experts. The committee term is set for the calendar year of 2017.

Financial and Real-estate Committee
Chairperson Ilkka Hemminki (Luova)
Cosmo Jenytin (Polytekarna)
Matilda Säde (Scisma)
Emil Fihlman (Voltti)
Joel Leinonen (Kylterirengas)
Henrikki Soininen (Aalto Party)
Santeri Nuotio (Luova)
Touko Aroheikki (Kylterirengas)
Essi Jukkala (Voltti)
Secretaries Onni Lampi ja Pyry Huhtanen (AYYB)

Community Committee
Chairperson Iina Ryhänen (Kylterirengas)
Lauri Pulkkinen (Pro Arte)
Kalle Pirinen (Kylterirengas)
Kia Lehti (CHEM)
Lauri Vähä-savo (Voltti)
Ville Marchant (Kylterirengas)
Tyko Viertiö (CHEM)
Kaisa Talvitie (Kylterirengas)
Lauri Seppäläinen (Scisma)
Secretaries Emmi Kosomaa ja Konsta Huuki (AYYB)

Societal Influence Committee
Chairperson Milja Asikainen (Scisma)
Juho Paavola (Kylterirengas)
Peppi Seppälä (Vihreämpi Aalto)
Merit Morikawa (Scisma)
Elina Kuutti (Viherämpi Aalto)
Titta Saari (Voltti)
Mikko Latva-käyrä (Scisma)
Secretaries Petteri Heliste ja Katariina Helin (AYYB)

The Student Union of the Aalto University (AYY) is a service and advocate association for about 15 000 students of the Aalto University. AYY works as an advocate for its members especially in matters of educational politics and social issues relating to studies.


More information:

Secretary General Niko Ferm, niko.ferm@ayy.fi, p. 050 520 9415
Representative Council Chairperson Ilkka Särkiö, ilkka.sarkio@ayy.fi


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