Asscociation newsletter for the week 13/2017

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This is AYY’s asscociation newsletter for the week 13/2017

NB! Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications is open:

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

Mar 29th: The main administrator notifications of Otax deadline (see 2)
Apr 3rd: 12.00 noon: Deadline for applications for operational grants and association notices (see  1)
Apr 19th.: Aalto Open Air (see 3)
Apr 29th: Crazy John (see 5)
Apr 21st–Apr 30th: Wappu Arena:
Sep 8th: Opening ceremonies for the academic year 2017-2018

Content of the newsletter

  1. Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications is open from March 1st, at 12:00 noon to April 3rd, at 12:00 noon
  2. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by 29.3.
  3. Aalto Open Air on April 19th and call for volunteers!
  4. Bring your association’s overall badges for sale!
  5. Come and be a checkpoint keeper at Crazy John!
  6. Competition for associations – the most internationalised will be rewarded!


  1. Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications is open from March 1st, at 12:00 noon to April 3rd, at 12:00 noon

All associations within AYY must fill out a yearly association notice. Failing to fill out the notice for two consecutive years or submitting an association notice with clearly inadequate information may lead to the association being removed from the AYY Association Register. Only associations belonging to the first list of AYY’s Association Register can apply for operating grants. You can check which list your association belongs to from the TAHLO system when it opens on March 1st, or you can contact the organizational sector before that (jarjestoasiat at

The operating grant applications and association notices will be handled as soon as possible during April. Any possible delays will be informed of separately.

More information about the operating grants can be found at /en/associations/services/operating-grants/, where you can also find the scoring model that is used for distributing the grants and the amount of grants distributed in the past years. In any unclear matters, please contact the organisational sector (jarjestoasiat at You can also contact the Organisational Affairs Specialist by phone at 050 520 9442, available from Monday to Friday between 10-14 (excluding Thursdays).

NB! Funding for projects outside the regular operations and for new mind-blowing ideas can be applied through the TTE-Fund (

Using the association database TAHLO

The association notice is filled out and the operating grants are applied for via the TAHLO system (Operating grant application). The system can be found at

NB! This year, the association notice and operating grant application are done using the updated TAHLO system, so no information can be entered into the old system. The information from the previous years is copied into the new system. The new system opens when the submissions for association notices and operating grant applications start.

You can log in by using the association’s username and password. These are the same as during the last round of operating grant applications. If you have forgotten your username or password, you can recover it and have it sent to the association’s contact e-mail address at If you still have problems logging in, please contact the organisational sector (jarjestoasiat at If your association does not already have a username and password, please contact the organisational sector immediately (jarjestoasiat at, and they will create a username and password for you. Store the TAHLO password somewhere safe: you will need it again next year.

Take care when filling out the information. The information from the previous year is copied from the old system. The basic information for 2016 (name of the association, address, etc.) are filled out automatically also for this year, so you do not need to fill out all the fields again. You can update the form up until it closes on 3rd April, at 12:00, so you do not need to do everything at once. Remember to save your changes before exiting a tab! Please also note that the form has some fields that the association cannot fill in by themselves (for example the class within the Association Register that the association belongs to). These fields will be filled in by the organisational sector.

If you have any problems with the system, spot any spelling mistakes or anything else that is out of place, please notify us at jarjestoasiat(at) We try to be alert if, for example, the system goes down, but letting us know of any problems will help us react even faster.

New section in the application for special status associations

NB! This year, special status associations also need to fill out the new Special status tab. This is compulsory for all special status associations. The tab asks you to answer how the association currently fulfils the requirements of a special status association, as laid down in AYY’s association regulations. The information is used to examine the special status and to develop the association field of the Student Union. The information entered into the Special status tab does not affect the operating grant application, but the operating grant possibly awarded to the special status association will not be paid if the information is missing.

If you are only filling out the association notice without applying for the operating grant,

you will need:

*   Rules in effect

*   The annual report for 2016

*   The strategy for 2017

*   A list of the officers

Fill out the following tabs: General, Board, Facilities and Attachments. Special status associations must also fill out the Special Status tab. You do not need to do anything with the tab labeled Application.

If you are also applying for the operating grant,

you will need:

* Rules in effect

* The annual report for 2016

* The financial statement, balance sheet, profit and loss statement for 2016

* The strategy for 2017

* The budget for 2017

* A list of the officers

If you are going to be late with any of the documents, for example because of the date of the annual meeting, please let the organisational sector know well in advance (jarjestoasiat at! Additional time can be granted for good reasons, but missing documents will count negatively towards the awarded grant.

Take good care when filling out the tabs, especially the Operating Grant Application. The operating grants will be distributed according to the scoring model: /wp-content/uploads/Pisteytysmalli_ENG.pdf. Make sure to answer all the questions carefully, as points will be distributed according to your answers.

A prerequisite for the operating grant is an association profile on the AYY website. The profile needs to exist in at least one of the official languages (Finnish or Swedish) and in English. The most important thing is that all association profiles can be found in all three language versions. You do not need to translate the profiles into all three languages; two out of three is sufficient. For example, the profile can be found in Finnish on the Finnish site ( and in English on the English and Swedish sites. You can add the translations from the editing page: under the Language bar on the right-hand side, you will find a section called Translations or Translate this Document.

Every association is responsible for updating their profile and its translated version. If there is no one in your association who knows either one of the official languages (Finnish or Swedish), please contact the Organisational Affairs Specialist.

You can edit the profile by logging in at /wp-admin/. The username is usually the abbreviation the association uses of itself. If you have forgotten the password, you can reset it via the login page. The usernames are usually connected to the e-mail address of the association’s board, so you should receive the confirmation e-mail there. If you have any problems, please contact the organisational sector (jarjestoasiat at


  1. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by 29.3

Concerning associations which have webpages or IDs at AYY’s web hotel service Otax.

The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by 29.3. In the case of those accounts from which notifications have not been made, the IDs will be locked on 1.4. and the site will be closed down.

At the same time, the notifier must check the applications that are running, users who have access to the ID etc. You can find more detailed instructions on the notification form. Set aside enough time to make the notification and check the site.

You can make a notification at

More information Otax and other IT services offered by AYY to associations can be found at


  1. Aalto Open Air on April 19th and call for volunteers!

This year, the spring starts bigger than ever as Aalto Open Air takes over the campus area! Take all your friends with you and make your way to the Alvari Square on April 19th!

At Alvari Square, you’ll find two stages where bands keep the atmosphere up. Performers include: Don Johnson Big Band, Boston Promenade and Toot Toot. The main artist will be announced soon – stay tuned ;). In addition you can enjoy different festival events, food trucks and pop-up -events offered by Aalto Festival.

So give Wappu a head start and come and enjoy the spring!

To make sure that the party won’t stop, there will be an afterparty at Täffä starting at 10pm!

The event will be organised by AYY, Aalto-university, Aava and April Jazz.


Volunteers for Aalto Open Air and Open Air afterparty!

We are looking for volunteers for Aalto Open Air and Open Air Afterparty. Aalto Open Air will take place on Alvari’s square and Open Air Afterparty at Täffä, and to succeed we need your help! The event needs volunteers for setup, cloakroom and ticket sales.

Deadline April 11th:


  1. Bring your association’s overall badges for sale!

The spring’s overall badge sales are approaching, and we would like to see badges from as many guilds and associations as possible up for sale. The badge sales for the Wappu period are organized on Tuesday, April 18th in the Undergraduate Centre and on Wednesday, April 19th in Aalto Open Air.

The Teekkari Section (Teekkarijaosto) will take care of the sale of the badges and deposit a sum that corresponds to the badges sold into your account and return any unsold badges. In order to cover any possible losses, the Teekkari Section will take a 5 percent commission from the sales proceeds.

Submit your association’s badges for sale by filling in the form at  The deadline for filling in the form is April 9th.

The badges must be delivered to AYY’s central office between April 11th and April 13th. Detailed information regarding the delivery of the badges is sent later on to associations that have filled the form.

Please note that the sales are meant only for badges that come from associations, not from private persons.

If you have any questions, contact the Teekkari Culture Directors:

Johanna Kuronen (johanna.kuronen at

Tyko Viertiö (tyko.viertio at


  1. Come and be a checkpoint keeper at Crazy John!

Wappu is soon here and, with it, the highly anticipated traditional Crazy John event!

In the Crazy John event, teams consisting of about 4–10 people travel around Otaniemi the night before the Wappu eve, completing various checkpoints and competing for the title of the Craziest Team™. Now your association or group of friends has the chance to be right in the thick of it and lift everyone’s spirits by holding a checkpoint of your own!

The registration for checkpoint keepers is open at and it will end on April 25th. If your association does not have a club room and you want hold your checkpoint indoors, register as soon as possible and contact the organizers, and we will do our best to arrange the needed premises for you. The best checkpoint is rewarded with a marvelous Wappu basket with lots of goodies in it, and a free AYY rentable sauna space for one day (must be used by the end of the year).

WHAT: Checkpoint for Crazy John!
WHERE: Around Otaniemi
WHEN: April 29th 2016, approx. 21.30-1.00, after the Fuksispeksit and the starting bang
REGISTRATION OPEN: Until April 20th at

For further information, contact the Teekkari Culture Directors:

Tyko Viertiö and Johanna Kuronen




6. Competition for associations – the most internationalised will be rewarded!

How to make your association more international? AYY is organizing a competition for associations, rewarding the association that has made the most developments in internationalisation during 2017. The means for internationalisation and opening new participation opportunities for international students can be freely chosen by the associations, but inspiration can be sought from the ABC-guide, made to help with the process.

The association with most advancement in internationalisation will be rewarded at the association assembly in December 2017 with praise, glory and a free sauna booking at one of AYY’s saunas. We won’t award an association that’s already very international, but rather one that has developed their organization the most towards international activities during the ongoing year. Sign up with the link below, plan on how to integrate internationality into your events and operations, and prepare to report your development in November 2017. In the report you must open up what you’ve done differently this year with, for example, the enrolment of new students, information coordination or events, and what you’ve learned along the way.

Sign up here.



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM, into the address tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY association and communications specialist, Ahto Harmo (ahto.harmo (a), phone: 050 520 9442).

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