Association newsletter for the week 17/2017

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This is AYY’s asscociation newsletter for the week 17/2017

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

Apr 29th: Crazy John (see 1)
Apr 21st–Apr 30th: Wappu Arena (see 2):
Sep 8th: Opening ceremonies for the academic year 2017-2018

Content of the newsletter

  1. Come and be a checkpoint keeper at Crazy John!
  2. Competition for associations – the most internationalised will be rewarded!


1. Come and be a checkpoint keeper at Crazy John!

Wappu is soon here and, with it, the highly anticipated traditional Crazy John event!

In the Crazy John event, teams consisting of about 4–10 people travel around Otaniemi the night before the Wappu eve, completing various checkpoints and competing for the title of the Craziest Team™. Now your association or group of friends has the chance to be right in the thick of it and lift everyone’s spirits by holding a checkpoint of your own!

The registration for checkpoint keepers is open at and it will end on April 25th. If your association does not have a club room and you want hold your checkpoint indoors, register as soon as possible and contact the organizers, and we will do our best to arrange the needed premises for you. The best checkpoint is rewarded with a marvelous Wappu basket with lots of goodies in it, and a free AYY rentable sauna space for one day (must be used by the end of the year).


WHAT: Checkpoint for Crazy John!
WHERE: Around Otaniemi
WHEN: April 29th 2016, approx. 21.30-1.00, after the Fuksispeksit and the starting bang
REGISTRATION OPEN: Until April 25th at

For further information, contact the Teekkari Culture Directors:

Tyko Viertiö and Johanna Kuronen

2. Competition for associations – the most internationalised will be rewarded!

How to make your association more international? AYY is organizing a competition for associations, rewarding the association that has made the most developments in internationalisation during 2017. The means for internationalisation and opening new participation opportunities for international students can be freely chosen by the associations, but inspiration can be sought from the ABC-guide, made to help with the process.

The association with most advancement in internationalisation will be rewarded at the association assembly in December 2017 with praise, glory and a free sauna booking at one of AYY’s saunas. We won’t award an association that’s already very international, but rather one that has developed their organization the most towards international activities during the ongoing year. Sign up with the link below, plan on how to integrate internationality into your events and operations, and prepare to report your development in November 2017. In the report you must open up what you’ve done differently this year with, for example, the enrolment of new students, information coordination or events, and what you’ve learned along the way.

Sign up here.



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM, into the address tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY association and communications specialist, Ahto Harmo (ahto.harmo (a), phone: 050 520 9442).

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