Association newsletter for the week 21/2017

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This is AYY’s asscociation newsletter for the week 21/2017

NB! The association newsletter will not be published next week!

Upcoming events and important dates for associations

May 21st: Deadline for signing up for the internationalisation contest (see 3)
May 31st: Deadline for events to be submitted to the student calendar (see 2)
May 22nd 12:00 – June 5th 12:00: Late submission for association notices open in the TAHLO system: (see 1)
Sep 8th: Opening ceremonies for the academic year 2017-2018

Content of the newsletter

  1. Operating grants 2017 and missing association notices
  2. Your association’s events to the student calendar
  3. Sign up until May 21st: Competition for associations – the most internationalised will be rewarded!
  4. OLL is looking for a student group of 20 people to take care of a refreshment station in the Helsinki City Marathon – earn 500 euros for your organization!


  1. Operating grants 2017 and missing association notices

The operating grants for 2017 have been granted and the sums are available at /en/associations/services/operating-grants/operating-grants-2017/

Operating grants are paid when all the prerequisites have been fulfilled. The payment order regarding the grants will be sent to most associations on the 19th of May. The payment will be visible on the account submitted to the TAHLO system by the beginning of June.

If an association has discrepancies or things missing from their profiles on the AYY website, they will be notified before the final submission round opens on the 22nd of May. The profile must be completed before the grants are paid, according to the instructions submitted when the applications opened. Organizations that have been granted additional time for certain appendices will have been reminded about submitting them.

Associations that have not yet filed an association notice for 2017 must do so between the 22nd of May, 12:00 and 5th of June, 12:00 at It is no longer possible to apply for operating grants this year. If the association fails to fill an association notice in the allocated time for the second year in a row, the association can be removed from the Student Union’s list of associations.


  1. Your association’s events to the student calendar

AYY’s printed student calendar has traditionally contained different events organized by associations, so those who use the calendar can easily keep track of stuff. This will also be the case in the calendar for 2017-18.

Below is a Google docs link, where you can add your events. You can find instructions in the document.

The absolute deadline for this is on the 31st of May before midnight!

Have a great spring and don’t hesitate to contact


3. Sign up until May 21st: Competition for associations – the most internationalised will be rewarded!

How to make your association more international? AYY is organizing a competition for associations, rewarding the association that has made the most developments in internationalisation during 2017. The means for internationalisation and opening new participation opportunities for international students can be freely chosen by the associations, but inspiration can be sought from the ABC-guide, made to help with the process.

The association with most advancement in internationalisation will be rewarded at the association assembly in December 2017 with praise, glory and a free sauna booking at one of AYY’s saunas. We won’t award an association that’s already very international, but rather one that has developed their organization the most towards international activities during the ongoing year. Sign up with the link below, plan on how to integrate internationality into your events and operations, and prepare to report your development in November 2017. In the report you must open up what you’ve done differently this year with, for example, the enrolment of new students, information coordination or events, and what you’ve learned along the way.

Sign up here.

Sign up latest on 21st of May!


  1. OLL is looking for a student group of 20 people to take care of a refreshment station in the Helsinki City Marathon – earn 500 euros for your association!

The Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL has helped the Helsinki City Marathon every year by gathering a student association for one refreshment station, which is responsible for e.g. the distribution of water and sports drink to the participants. For several years, the refreshment station has been located in Helsinki, around Lauttasaari and Ruoholahti.

This year, the marathon will take place on Saturday, the 12th of August 2017, starting at 15:00, and 20 people must be at the refreshment station between 14:00 and 20:30. The refreshment station team can consist of e.g. a subject organization, student sports club or some other student association.

The people at the refreshment station are responsible for the following:

– One or more people must visit a refreshment station meeting organized by HCM in June (time and place will be announced soon). At the meeting, you will receive more information on hydration, and the location of the refreshment station will be confirmed.

– Gathering a group of at least 20 people for the entire marathon (there must be at least 20 people at the refreshment station for the entire time, because the refreshment station can get crowded during the marathon and thousands of participants will run through the station).

– Assembling the tables at the refreshment station.

– Mixing buckets of water with sports drink powder and filling the cups.

– Filling the water cups.

– Keeping the refreshment station tidy during the entire marathon.

– Helping the runners to the water/sports drink.

– Cleaning the area after the marathon and disassembling the tables.

OLL will pay a reward of 500 euros to the association’s account after the marathon.

You can also take audio equipment and e.g. your association’s shirts or banners with you to the refreshment station. So gather yourself a nice group and reply to this message as soon as possible! The fastest association will be given the task of running the refreshment station, but you must be sure at this point that you will have 20 people at the refreshment station for the entire time.

More information on the Helsinki City Marathon can be found here:

You can also contact me for more information at:

and on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00 by calling 044-7800217



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM, into the address tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY association and communications specialist, Ahto Harmo (ahto.harmo (a), phone: 050 520 9442).

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