AYY and Avain Yhtiöt to start cooperation – you can soon enjoy the heat in the Avain Sauna in Otaranta

19th of May 2017
For immediate release

The Aalto University Student Union (AYY) and Avain Yhtiöt will start their cooperation in June 2017. ”The aim of the cooperation is to improve the information level of AYY’s members about the activities of Avain Yhtiöt and to increase the significant visibility of Avain Yhtiöt in the Aalto Community,” says Corporate Relations Coordinator Otto Bergius.

One of the most prominent themes of Avain Yhtiöt is social responsibility. “We want our work to be transparent and in genuine interaction with our stakeholders, and we take the social, economic and environmental impact of our operations into account,” says CEO Perttu Liukku and continues: “Cooperation with AYY will support our goals and will give us an opportunity to support students in their studies and preparation for the worklife.”

The cooperation between AYY and Avain Yhtiöt will be visible in AYY’s media, such as in the blog and in printed materials. Conversely, AYY will produce content on the website of Avain Yhtiöt.

However, the largest and most visible form of cooperation will be the social premises in AYY’s Otaranta property, called Avain Sauna. You can enjoy the heat in the Avain Sauna as before, but events will also be housed at the premises in cooperation with Avain Yhtiöt. The space will also be re-decorated to reflect the visual design of Avain Yhtiöt.

The Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is a service and advocate association for about 15 000 students of the Aalto University. AYY works as an advocate for its members, especially in matters of educational politics and social issues relating to studies. AYY also offers a wide range of services, such as apartments and premises, that both members and external parties can rent.

The Avain Yhtiöt Group consists of six reliable and responsible companies. The aim of these companies is to build a functional and safe living environment and to comprehensively develop the quality of housing and construction, both for the residents and for the environment.


More information:

Corporate Relations Coordinator Otto Bergius / otto.bergius (at) ayy.fi / 050 520 9422

Member of the Board responsible for Corporate Relations Pyry Huhtanen / pyry.huhtanen (at) ayy.fi / 050 520 9436

Avain Yhtiö Group CEO Perttu Liukku / perttu.liukku (at) avainyhtiot.fi / 050 66 169

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