Association newsletter for the week 35/2017

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This is AYY’s asscociation newsletter for the week 35/2017

Remember to sign up for the Aalto Party! See title 1 for more information!

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

Aug 27th: Deadline for signups to Aalto Party (see title 1)
Aug 27th:: Deadline for signups to Otasuunnistus (Ota-Orienteering) (see title 2)
Sep 3rd: Deadline for signups to Stadisuunnistus (see title 4)
Sep 8th: Opening ceremonies for the academic year 2017-2018 and Aalto Party
Sep 11th: Deadline for volunteer signups to the Dipoli Independence Day reception (see title 5)
Oct 10th: Campus Expo
Nov 28th: AYY’s association training in Finnish, Design Factory
Dec 7th: AYY’s association training in English, AYY’s office

Content of the newsletter

  1. Represent your association at Aalto Party!
  2. Arrange a checkpoint at Otasuunnistus!
  3. Thanks to a new agreement between AYY and, services and contract prices by can now also be offered to AYY’s associations
  4. Arrange a checkpoint at Stadisuunnistus
  5. Volunteer for the Dipoli Independence Day reception – Associations will be compensated
  6. To culture and art associations: Cultural test and development project funding / Involvement and participation
  7. AYY Association training in Finnish on the 28th of November 2017 and in English on the 7th of December 2017


Represent your association at Aalto Party!

Aalto Party takes place 8 September 2017 at Alvarin aukio, Otaniemi at 16–20. We welcome associations within AYY to present themselves at Aalto Party.


Make yourself known and acquainted with the Aalto community! By bringing programme and activities to Aalto Party you can present yourself, get new friends, and liven up the party!

Aalto Party brings together students and staff to celebrate the beginning of the new academic year. The number of visitors yearly is around 3500 and increasing every time.


Let us know the participation of your association with this form by Sunday 27 August

As you should be an association within in AYY, you can produce participatory programme and have it going on in general! 😉

We will support your programme with 70€ as long as you register your association and programme in advance and you have been accepted as part of Aalto Party.


Aalto Party 8 September 2017

Registration of the associations by Sunday 27 August

For further information, please contact tarja.peltoniemia at, 050 53 23 817


2. Arrange a checkpoint at Otasuunnistus!

Orientation will be here soon and so will the Otasuunnistus. I welcome your organisation to participate in Otasuunnistus on both Wednesday September 6th and Thursday September 7th. At your checkpoint you shall give the freshmen small tasks and reward them with points.  The checkpoints are open from 5PM to 10PM, and the afterparty starts in Smökki at 9:30PM. You can register your checkpoint until the 27th of August with this form:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

Lauri Nyrhilä
Freshman Major
Aalto University Student Union AYY
+358 40 1959210 | lauri.nyrhila at



3. Thanks to a new agreement between AYY and, services and contract prices by can now also be offered to AYY’s associations. is a service that can be used to buy and sell mobile tickets that serve as both tickets for events and coupons for products sold by the provider. The service is found online, and it can be used on a smartphone, tablet or computer. The service can be used for both external and internal events, and advertising the events publicly in is not compulsory; the events can also be shared just by using a link or a password.

Registration for the service is free for associations, and there is no monthly fee. A fee is charged from sold tickets, which is 2.0% + 0.15 € per product sold. This includes bank transaction fees, payment transaction fees and other payment service fees.

If your association has an existing agreement with the service

The existing agreement’s service fees are updated automatically to be in accordance with the new agreement, if the terms of the new agreement are more favorable than the terms of the previous agreement. If you do not want the prices to change, please send a message to info at

If your association does not have an existing agreement with the service

The terms of the agreement will automatically enter into force and the service will be available for use as soon as you have registered your association with the service. The service has information on AYY’s associations for this purpose, but if you have trouble with the registration for some reason, please contact info at or niina.palm at for help J

For more information on the service, please visit If you have questions regarding the agreement or registration, please contact info at If you need help in other matters, please contact niina.palm at


4. Arrange a checkpoint at Stadisuunnistus

In order to offer the freshmen a chance to get to know The Eastern Harbour City (in some cultures also known as Helsinki), we organize an event called Stadisuunnistus on Tuesday September 12th. Stadisuunnistus is a checkpoint crawl in the center of Helsinki, and the event starts at 6PM at the Senate Square. The checkpoints are open from 6PM to 9:30PM, and the afterparty starts at 9PM at Nightclub Capital in the center of Helsinki (Fredrikinkatu 51).

You can register you checkpoint here (deadline Sunday September 3rd):

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

Lauri Nyrhilä
Freshman Major
Aalto University Student Union AYY
+358 40 1959210 | lauri.nyrhila at


5. Volunteer for the Dipoli Independence Day reception – Associations will be compensated

Does your association need funds for a purchase or an excursion? Do you have keen volunteers to help with the largest Independence Day event of the year?

This year, the volunteers are recruited through associations, because compensation is being paid for volunteering to the association, which they must be able to invoice. Help is needed in the cloakroom, decorations, final cleanup and catering, possibly for other tasks as well.

Apply by sending an informal application by the 11th of September. The application should include the following details:

-what are you gathering funds for (excursion, event, purchase or something else)
-how many volunteers would you bring
-preferred amount of payment with arguments and grounds

Please note that the decisions on payment are based on the overall assessment, so it is possible that the sum offered will differ from the amount you applied for. In this situation, the association can turn down the offer. If there are more applications than slots for volunteers, the associations are chosen based on the applications.

If you have any questions, please contact

Finland 100 Volunteer Organizer
Timi Tiira,
timi.tiira at


6. To culture and art associations: Cultural test and development project funding / Involvement and participation

Application period: 20th June 2017–28th September 2017

More info:

The test and development project funding is intended for increasing involvement and participation in culture and culture services and broadening the target audience of culture services.

The aim of the funding is to increase people’s involvement in culture and their participation in various culture services, as well as to broaden the target audience of culture services. In addition, the aim is to remove obstacles for participation, to deepen the experiences and effects of participation, and to promote the interaction between the parties offering services and their audiences. Special emphasis is placed on people who rarely take part in culture and cultural events. Traditional methods, digital methods or a combination of both can be utilized in the means and models used to forward the aims.

The funding is intended for legally competent communities working with culture and art, such as associations, foundations and corporations.


7. AYY Association training in Finnish on the 28th of November 2017 and in English on the 7th of December 2017

This year’s association training will be held at the Design Factory in Otaniemi on November 28th. Information on the program and signups will be released later, but be sure to mark the date on your associations’ calendar already! The training will be in Finnish. An English training session will be arranged on the 7th of December at AYY’s office. Stay tuned!

Wishes regarding the training can be sent to the student union’s organization sector at jarjestoasiat at



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM to the address tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Ahto Harmo (ahto.harmo (a), phone: 050 520 9442).


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