AYY nominates Petteri Heliste for President of the National Union of University Students for 2018

The Aalto University Student Union
For immediate release

Aalto University Student Union, AYY, is nominating Petteri Heliste as its candidate for the president of SYL, the National Union of University Students for 2018.

Heliste, 24, studies Engineering Physics at Aalto University. This year he has been responsible for leading the student union’s advocacy and academic affairs sectors. During the year he has concluded the process of extending curricula periods and participated in the recruitment of the new Provost. Earlier Heliste has been an active member of AYY Representative Council and volunteered for the student union and his subject society, the Guild of Physics.

”I want to see a SYL that keeps its members close and brings attention the worries and dreams of the younger generations. Free tuition, lifelong learning and sufficient support for students are key for enabling the young to build a professional and civilized society of the future. Student unions’ key role in educating students and enabling them to strive towards their ambitions through things like Dare to Learn and entrepreneurship must be kept in mind, too. ” says Petteri Heliste.

”Petteri has been a valuable colleague and his extensive knowledge and leaderships skills have been important for AYY’s advocacy sector this year. Petteri’s excellent lobbying and facilitation skills would be a great asset to SYL, too. ” declares Joona Orpana, AYY’s Chair of the Board.

”During the year Petteri has shown he’s capable of fostering a positive and constructive atmosphere even in difficult negotiations. His talent for understanding different perspectives and his capability for human-centered approach to challenges have been key to finding common ground.” states Eero Eloranta, Aalto University’s VP for Education.

SYL is electing the Board for 2018 in its assembly in Tampere on the 17th and 18th of November. SYL represents the university students of Finland at a national level and takes a stance on training policy, social policy and international issues.

Further information:
Petteri Heliste, petteri.heliste@ayy.fi, 050 520 9428

Chair of the Board of AYY, Joona Orpana, joona.orpana@ayy.fi, 050 520 9420

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