AYY condemns the vandalism of AYY Representative Council election advertisements

It has come to the attention of the Student Union that the Representative Council election advertisements have been vandalized. AYY condemns election vandalism and harassment happening both in the public and online. All electoral alliances and candidates have the right to carry out their electoral work. AYY will only intervene in advertising if it is harassing, against the rules, or if vandalism takes place.

AYY has heard of a case where the identity and visual material of an electoral alliance have been used to spread racist messages and other values that do not represent the electoral alliance. The parties involved have filed a criminal complaint and the situation is being looked into.

If similar situations arise in the future, please report them to the AYY Central Election Committee. The offended party should also file a criminal complaint.

If an electoral alliance or candidate breaks the regulations given by the Central Election Committee clearly and for their benefit (direct or indirect), the electoral alliance or candidate can be barred from the elections. More information on election sanctions here: /vaalit/election-sanctions/?lang=en

All official posters can be found on AYY’s Facebook, and the gallery of candidates can be found at: /vaalit/electoral-alliances/?lang=en

Instructions on electoral advertisements: /vaalit/election-advertising/?lang=en


More information:

Central Election Committee Chairperson Iiro Lehtiniemi: iiro.lehtiniemi@ayy.fi

Central Election Committee Secretary Johanna Pietiläinen: johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi

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