Strong suspicion of drugging a person in Otaniemi & safety in student events


The Student Union of Aalto University (AYY) has been informed of a strong suspicion of a person being drugged at a joint event held by associations operating within AYY and the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY). The event was held on the 2nd of November at Servin Mökki. The event was stopped as a result.

The organizers of the event contacted AYY immediately, after which a representative of AYY also visited the venue. The organizers of the event had been given comprehensive safety instructions, and the event was organized according to these instructions. The organizers acted in an exemplary manner by securing the safety of the victim and aborting the event immediately in a controlled manner. The person was taken to a hospital by ambulance and they are fine. AYY and HYY have been in close contact with the associations that organized the event and will continue to follow the situation. The associations’ own announcement can be found here:

Everyone’s joint safety is an issue that cannot be compromised on in any situation and no-one’s personal untouchability can be threatened. However, if this occurs, all kinds of harassment or other threatening behaviour must be intervened in at once. This applies to both external people and to the members of the student community. If an event is only meant to be open to students, persons wanting to attend can, for example, be required to present a valid student card. Also, whether they are closed or open to everyone, no persons should be admitted to events if their behaviour worries or threatens other participants.

The situation is always serious if it causes anxiety or someone feels unsafe. If a situation of danger occurs, it’s important to know how to act. Persons who are threatening or violate the personal untouchability of someone must be expelled from the event. In threatening situations, the event must be suspended at once. The event organisers have to make sure that appropriate preparations have been made for situations of danger. This means that at least fire safety, access control and threatening behaviour have to be prepared for. There is always cause to read the usage instructions of the premises, even if the location is familiar. Exit routes must be kept clear, passage signs openly visible and its must be checked that extinguishing devices and first-aid equipment are in place. The best way to pre-empt disruptive behaviour is

  • to agree on who is responsible for access control,
  • to make sure that the event is not allowed to expand in an uncontrolled way,
  • to agree on rules for threatening situations,
  • and to minimise easy risks (e.g. scissors, tools, cooking utensils etc. out of sight)

AYY takes all cases of harassment and dangerous situations occurring at student functions seriously. Suspected criminal incidents against the well-being of a person should always be reported to the police. In this way, we can show together that no kind of harassment or violence will be tolerated at functions of the Student Union and student associations.

In situations threatening the well-being of participants, the safety of the victims should always be ensured and the emergency centre should be called. We hope that there would never be any hesitation about reporting dangerous situations without delay to the emergency centre. We also hope that all dangerous situations and incidents of harassment would be reported to AYY. In this way, we can prevent the possible spreading of problems by working together.

Also read AYY’s and the Aalto Chaplains instructions on after-management of crisis situations in student associations. The instructions include advice on meeting a person who is in shock and arranging follow-up assistance, and their purpose is to provide an action model and contact details in case of those kinds of sudden, shocking situations, crises. The link to the instructions:

Your contact persons at AYY:

Association-specific advice
Ahto Harmo, Specialist, Organizational Affairs and Communications, ahto.harmo at, 050 520 9442.

Harassment contact persons
You can contact the harassment contact persons if you have experienced or observed harassment in the student community. All contact is confidential. The harassment contact people offer advice and help through discussion, and also help in clearing up the harassment situation if necessary

Lauri Jurvanen, Specialist, Social Affairs, Harassment contact person, lauri.jurvanen at or  hairinta-mies at , 050 520 9418.

Elli-Noora Kaurila, Specialist, Student Advocacy, Harassment contact person, elli-noora.kaurila at or hairinta-nainen at, 050 520 9445.

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