AYY elected the Chair of the Representative Council and the Former of the Board for 2018

Aalto University Student Union
For immediate publication



The Representative Council of the Aalto University Student Union (AYY) elected the Chair of the Representative Council and the Former of the Board for 2018 at its meeting on Wednesday, the 15th of November 2017. The Chair of the Representative Council next year is Onni Lampi, and the new Former of the Board is Noora Vänttinen.

Lampi, the new Chair of the Representative Council, is a fifth-year student of Communications Engineering. In 2017, he worked as a member of the AYY Board, being responsible for housing and real estate issues. His work tasks included the development of real estate, changes in the property stock, and housing as a service and creator of communality. During his year as a member of the Board, Lampi’s biggest project has been the promotion of the Student Center and the facility program. Previously, Lampi has acted as a group Chair in the Representative Council, and he has also worked as Chief Editor of Radiodiodi and as the Tutor Boss of his guild.

”I feel fantastic, and I’m really eager to develop the Representative Council into a more discussion-oriented direction!” says Lampi. “My goal for the coming year is that the members of the Representative Council would see the meetings and other events as a valuable channel for influencing.”

Noora Vänttinen, Master’s student at the School of Electrical Engineering, was chosen as the Former of the Board. She also worked in the AYY Board in 2017, handling issues related to communications, the brand, museum and archives. Previously, Vänttinen has worked with the Tempaus 2016 project, among others.

”I really can’t describe my feelings right now. But now is not the time to take a holiday, since I’m faced with perhaps the hardest task of my entire career at the Aalto University: forming the Board. But I’m really looking forward to next week!” Vänttinen says. ”If this stage goes as expected, we can take important steps towards our shared vision next year: AYY – The best student’s life in the world.”

The Former of the Board makes a proposal to the Representative Council about the composition of the Board for the year 2018, and the Council elects the new Board at its meeting on the 29th of November 2017.

Joona Orpana, Chair of the AYY Board 2017, congratulates the newly elected Chair of the Representative Council and Former of the Board.

”Onni and Noora are real Aalto people. It has been an honor to follow them act as an inspiration for others and marvel their determined growth as genuine wielders of influence,” says Orpana and sets his eyes on the future: “I look forward with pride to the moment when they take the Student Union under their leadership and take us on a trip towards the best student’s life in the world. By the way, now is the time to apply or tell your friends to do so, because the positions for the Board and volunteers will be handed out soon!”


The Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is a service and advocate association for about 15 000 students of the Aalto University. AYY works as an advocate for its members, especially in matters of educational politics and social issues relating to studies. The Council is AYY’s highest decision-making body, which selects the Board of the Student Union and decides on the budget, amongst other things.


More information:

Noora Vänttinen, Former of the Board 2018, noora.vanttinen@ayy.fi, 040 731 6120
Onni Lampi, Chair of the Representative Council 2018, onni.lampi@ayy.fi,
Niko Ferm, Secretary General, niko.ferm@ayy.fi, 050 520 9415

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