Voice of students can be heard at the campus, 253 student representative places filled

Board of the student union has made its yearly decision to name student representatives to university administration. For the year 2018 253 student representative places were filled with 141 students. In addition to these places students are also take part of programme level development and work together with schools via student associations.

“We got a lot of good applications. We asked the applicants to academic committees to tell about their thoughts on developing Aalto and their own school, and got a lot of valuable information for our activities next year”, rejoices Susanna Koistinen, specialist of academic affairs responsible for preparing the choice. “The number of international students is still low and that is something we really need to develop further.”

Student representatives work both in the statutory bodies, such as degree committee and academic committees, and also in the preparatory and advisory groups. Student union supports their work with trainings and by encouraging co-operation.

“Our goal is that all students know where to get information and how to get their ideas for development heard. Feeling of belonging and opportunities to influence support study ability, learning and success in studies”, says chair of the board Joona Orpana.

Student union congratulates all the new student representatives. Some places were left open and they will be filled in January.

“Now that the university as also had their elections and most of the representatives are new, it could be good to use some time in the first meetings and discuss the development ideas and wishes students said in their applications”, Orpana suggests.

Information on the elected can be found at www.halloped.fi

More information:

Susanna Koistinen

Specialist, Academic affairs

Aalto University Student Union (AYY)

+358 50 520 9438 | www.ayy.fi

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