Association newsletter 4/2018

This is AYY’s asscociation newsletter for the week 4/2018

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

Jan 21st: TTER’s deadline (see 2)
Jan 24th: Deadline for signup to Safely in Events – A training on event safety:
Jan 26th: Safely in Events – A training on event safety:

Content of the newsletter

  1. Safely in Events – A training on event safety 26th of January
  2. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2018 is open!


  1. Safely in Events – A training on event safety 26th of January

HYY and AYY together organize a training on event safety for association actives on the 26th of January 3 pm – 7 pm. The training will be held at Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, Espoo). The training is in Finnish.

The training introduces tools to how to arrange student association events safely and aides to cope in in problematic situations that may occur in events event though safety has been taken into consideration while planning the event. Every training module is held twice during the training.

The training is aimed for HYY’s and AYY’s association actives – especially for those who are responsible for organizing events.

3 pm – 4 pm AND 6 pm – 7 pm: Event Safety
Event Safety- How to ensure that the venue is accident-free, to avoid undesired situations during the event and to make sure that safety aspects of the event are taken into consideration in planning the event.

3 pm – 4 pm AND 5 pm – 6 pm: Crisis Communication
Crisis Communication- how to inform and act when there’s a crisis in an event organized by a student association? Instructions for communication and facing the media.

4 pm – 5 pm AND 5 pm – 6 pm
A Safe Event – a selection of tools to craft an organisation event socially and psychologically safe to the participants.

4 pm – 5 pm AND 6 pm – 7 pm: Aftercare
Aftercare – If an accident or crisis occurs it is important that the mental well-being of participants is also taken care of afterwards

Sign up latest on 24th of January:
Facebook event:

Further information:
Specialist, Organizational Affairs and Communications Ahto Harmo (ahto.harmo at, +358 50 520 9442
Specialist (organisations) Emi Maeda (emi.maeda at, +358 50 537 3798


  1. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2018 is open!

The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2018 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The first application round of 2018 will end on Sunday, 21 Jan 2018, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at:

Deadlines of the application rounds for the year 2018 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at Also check out the facebook site at



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM to the address tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

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