Association newsletter for the week 5/2018

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This is AYY’s asscociation newsletter for the week 5/2018


Content of the newsletter

1. Sign up for the Servin Mökki kitchen training
2. Used audio, lights, video recording and other electronics and paraphernalia sale and handout to associations at the OUBS Studio on Tuesday, the 30th of January
3. Information relaying request on the Aalto AllWell Survey, 1st to 16th of February



1. Sign up for the Servin Mökki kitchen training

Would you or your association want to host a party at Smökki and do the kitchen legwork and cooking on your own? All you need is a knowledge of operating large-scale kitchen equipment and appliances, right?

There is a remedy to that need: The Smökki kitchen training.

The next trainings are held on Wednesday, the 31st of January starting at 17:00, and on the 1st of February, starting at 18:00.
Sign up by the day before the training by 15:00 with this form:

Note! There is a limited amount of participant slots. The training is held in Finnish.

More information from the kitchen training group at keittiokouluttajat (a)
If you have problems signing up, please contact the Service Manager (riitu.nuutinen (a), 050 520 9450).


2. Used audio, lights, video recording and other electronics and paraphernalia sale and handout to associations at the OUBS Studio on Tuesday, the 30th of January

OUBS ry sells and gives away unused electronics and other equipment belonging to them or under their governance to associations working within AYY’s sphere of influence. Things are sold or given as they are, without guarantees or rights of return. No prior reservations and not to resellers. The event is only aimed for representatives of associations within AYY. Private individuals will get a chance at a different event, possibly organized later.

The event is held at the OUBS Studio in the Jämeräntaival 1 cellar, Tuesday 30th of January, from 17:00 to 19:30.


3. Information relaying request on the Aalto AllWell Survey, 1st to 16th of February

A year ago, the AllWell study found out that 20% of Aalto students are at a burnout risk, meaning that the number is double compared to the national average. This year’s AllWell opens on Thursday, the 1st of February, and is open until the 16th of February. The survey is personal and will be sent to all 2nd year bachelor students and 1st year master’s degree students. The survey is an important tool in AYY’s advocacy work, so we hope it reaches a large-as-possible crowd to ensure a high percentage of answers. We’d hope that especially subject organizations would relay the information about the survey to their members. As an added bonus, the people who answer will receive a personal feedback on their study skills a few weeks after the survey closes!

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