AYY has a new IT Expert, AD and Information Officer

AYY received new additions to its staff at the turn of the year. IT Expert Petteri Nummela and AD Aino Korpinen started their work in December, and the new Information Officer Siiri Liitiä joined AYY’s ranks at the start of January.

Petteri Nummela started his job as an IT expert at the beginning of December. He studies Information Technology at the at Aalto University and is responsible for maintaining and developing AYY’s IT systems and managing AYY’s IT equipment.

Nummela heard of the vacancy through a rather unusual channel.

“I asked around in our guild’s chatroom where I could find room for a server rack for fixed servers for free. Someone suggested that I should apply for this position at AYY, because they could surely provide the space. I got the job, but I still haven’t found the space for the rack,” Nummela laughs.

AD Aino Korpinen also started her work at the beginning of December. She has graduated from the Visual Communications program at the Satakunta University of Applied Sciences and is currently studying at the University of Turku in the Master’s Degree Program in Digital Culture.

The AD is responsible for the production of graphics and illustrations and the visualization of text for AYY’s digital and printed publications. Korpinen will start working on AYY’s look based on the new brand look, which will be published in early 2018.

“I really look forward to working with large entities, such as the visualization of AYY’s annual report. The AD can influence AYY’s look in different channels right from the start,” says Korpinen.

AYY’s new Information Officer Siiri Liitiä started in her task at the beginning of January. She is a Bachelor of Media, holding a degree in Journalism at the Turku University of Applied Sciences’ Arts Academy. She has previously worked in the field of theater in communications and marketing.

The Information Officer is responsible for planning and implementing AYY’s daily communications as part of the communications team. Her tasks include, for example, compiling AYY’s weekly newsletter, coordinating AYY’s social media, and writing all kinds of texts from newsletters to Facebook updates.

“It’s really fun to see what’s happening in the Aalto community. The best thing about this job is its versatility. There are no dull moments: I can tell people about the Laskiaisrieha held on Shrove Tuesday and the presidential elections all during the same day,” says Liitiä.

All three new employees agree that AYY is an inspiring work community.

“It’s nice to work with people your own age,” Korpela says.

“The staff is so young and youthful that the atmosphere here is completely different than in so-called normal office work,” Nummela agrees.

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