#LuovutusAalto is here again – blood donation campaign between February 8th and April 6th 2018

Come and save lives!

Nearly a thousand voluntary blood donors are needed every weekday to make sure that about 50,000 seriously ill patients receive the treatment they need every year.

That is why the Aalto University Student Union is for the third time challenging all associations active within AYY to donate blood for the common good in the #LuovutusAalto campaign!


Autumn 2017 winners

In the autumn of 2017, #LuovutusAalto collected a total of 72 donations – more than twice the amount of donations collected during the first #LuovutusAalto campaign (34 donations). An impressive achievement!

The winner of the autumn 2017 campaign in percentage terms is Ristin Kilta, with more than ten percent of their members donating blood during the campaign. The quantitative winner was Inkubio, the guild for Bioinformation Technology students, with 18 donations. Inkubio also took the prize in the spring campaign! Both winners will receive a free sauna night at one of AYY’s sauna facilities and a diploma from the Finnish Red Cross.

Congratulations to Ristin Kilta and Inkubio, and a big thank you to everyone who donated blood during the previous campaign!


Spring 2018 campaign between February 8th and April 6th

The spring campaign will start at the Dipoli blood donation event on Thursday, February 8th. You can donate blood at Dipoli between 11:00 and 16:00. There will a Blood Service information desk in the main lobby during the event, where you can talk and ask about donating blood and the criteria for it.

The associations that have donated the most blood, both quantitatively and in percentage terms in relation to their number of members, are awarded the use of one of AYY’s sauna facilities for one night, a diploma from the Finnish Red Cross – and of course glory and adoration! The winners will be announced at AYY’s Anniversary Ball on May 19th.

All donors also receive an overall patch from the Finnish Red Cross.

One donation helps three patients. Read the instructions below and come and save lives!


How to participate in the campaign:

1. Register a VeriRyhmä group for your association (in Finnish). Name your group AYY + name of your association.

Did your association take part in the #LuovutusAalto campaign in 2017? Then you do not have to establish a new group. Check the list at the bottom of this page to find out if your association already has a group!

If you want to change the contact person of your existing group, please send an e-mail to sanomatalo@veripalvelu.fi.

2. Let AYY know that you are taking part in the campaign by filling out this form.

3. Donate blood as a group or individually at a Blood Service Centre. If you want to donate blood with a group of more than three persons, please call the Blood Service Centre to arrange a donation time in advance. Remember to mention the name of your VeriRyhmä group to the staff at the Blood Service Centre!

Take your official ID with photo and Finnish identity number with you! You should reserve approximately an hour for the donation.

4. All donations made between February 8th and April 6th count towards the campaign’s donations, as long as you remember to tell the name of your VeriRyhmä group at the Blood Service Centre. This means that you can donate blood at a Blood Service Centre or blood donation event anywhere in Finland.

5. Feeling nervous? Not to worry! The Blood Service website has detailed instructions about how to act when donating blood and what really happens there.

You should also test whether you are suitable as a donor beforehand.  If you have any questions regarding blood donation, please call the Blood Service’s free info phone, tel. 0800 0 5801 (open on weekdays between 8:00 and 17:00).

6. Share your experiences! Click yourself into the #LuovutusAalto campaign Facebook event. Also tell your friends about the campaign and use the hashtags #LuovutusAalto and #VeriRyhmä on social media.


Where can I donate?

In addition to the event at Dipoli, another blood donation event will be help in Espoo, in the Sellosali lobby in Leppävaara on February 26th between 15:00 and 19:00.

Blood donation events will be held in Mikkeli at the Concert and Congress hall Mikael on February 14th, March 14th and April 4th between 13:00 and 18:00.

There are also three Blood Service Centres in the Helsinki metropolitan area:

Espoo Blood Service Centre, Shopping Centre Iso Omena (Suomenlahdentie 1), Service Centre floor (3rd floor). Open Mon, Wed 12–19, Tue, Thu, Fri 11–18. Tel. 029 300 1040

Helsinki, Sanomatalo Blood Service Centre, Töölönlahdenkatu 2 (2nd floor). Open Mon–Wed, Fri 11–19, Thu 8–19. Tel. 029 300 1030

Helsinki, Kivihaka Blood Service Centre, Kivihaantie 7. Open Mon–Thu 11–18, Fri 9–16. Tel. 029 300 1020

You can search for Blood Service Centres and blood donation events through the Blood Service website.


VeriRyhmä groups 2017

Aalto Predators, American Football & Cheerleading
Aalto-yliopiston Sähköinsinöörikilta ry (Aalto University’s Guild of Electrical Engineering)
Automaatio- ja systeemitekniikan kilta (Guild of Automation and Systems Technology)
Prosessiteekkarit ry
Puunjalostajakilta ry (Forest Products Guild)
Ristin Kilta ry
Vesi-ja Ympäristötekniikan VeriRyhmä (VeriRyhmä for Water and Environmental Engineering)



For questions regarding blood donation, please call the Blood Service’s free info phone, tel. 0800 0 5801 open on weekdays between 8:00 and 17:00).

If you have any questions about the #LuovutusAalto campaign or registration, please contact AYY’s Information Officer Siiri Liitiä at: tiedottaja@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440.

Let’s save lives together with all of AYY – #LuovutusAalto!

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