The Representative Council Committees for 2018 have been chosen

The Representative Council of the Aalto University Student Union has named three committees for 2018 to help them in their operations. Find out more about the new chairpersons and what the committees actually do!

Nicole Grekov, Noora Torpo and Anni Kolehmainen

At its first meeting of the year, the AYY Representative Council appointed a Financial and Real Estate Committee, a Community Committee focused on culture and association issues, and an Advocacy Committee that deals with advocacy and educational policy issues.

Anni Kolehmainen was elected as the chairperson for the Financial and Real Estate Committee, Noora Torpo as the chairperson for the Community Committee, and Nicole Grekov as the chairperson for the Advocacy Committee.

“In the Financial and Real Estate Committee, as in the other committees, we consider the things on the agenda of the upcoming Representative Council meetings and do preparatory work regarding the issues”, the chairperson of the Financial and Real Estate Committee Anni Kolehmainen says.

“The work we do enables the Board to edit or prepare the items brought to the Representative Council in more detail. In addition, we give suggestions and ideas to the Representative Council on how we feel different issues and projects should be tackled.”

The chairs predict that important themes for the committees during 2018 will be, among others, student housing, the student center, different policy papers and student well-being.

“I think our plans will become clearer when we can sit down with the committee members to think on what they feel is important”, Noora Torpo says.

All three chairs believe that the committees offer a good chance for both participating in decision-making and meeting new people.

”The Representative Council is a whole new field for me. I’m only acquainted with business people, so it’s fun to get to know to a fun new group. It feels good to start the work”, Nicole Grekov says.

“I’ve heard a lot of good things from my predecessor. You can really see how to influence things here”, Kolehmainen continues.

“Starting a new thing is a bit scary, but I’m fortunately not alone, as I have a good crew with me. I hope that we can get a lot done this year”, Torpo says.

Committees for 2018

At its meeting on the 18th of January, the AYY Representative Council decided to set up committees for 2018. The committees were set up to ease the decision-making process and the work of the Representative Council.

The committees consist of a chairperson, 13 members and a secretary from the Board. Each Representative Council group got one member into each committee for every beginning increment of 5 Representative Council members it has in its roster. Thus, for example SCIsma received a total of 2 members into each Committee. Each group could choose not to fill all spots if it so wished.

The chairpersons were voted on. This was done to guarantee the neutrality of the chairpersons, as it was decided that their presence in the committee does not count towards their group’s quota

The committees for 2018:

Financial and Real Estate Committee

Chairperson Anni Kolehmainen (Luova)

Santeri Santikko (CHEM)
Topi Soivio (Kylterirengas Töölö)
Valtteri Ahonen (Kylterirengas Töölö)
Touko Aroheikki (Kylterirengas Otaniemi)
Kalle KekÀlÀinen (Luja)
Anton NĂ€rekorpi (LUOVA)
Oskari Kivinen (Oikea Aalto)
Cosmo Jenytin (Polytekarna)
Marianne Honkasaari (SCIsma)
Mikko Karhunen (SCIsma)
Pyry Huhtanen (SCIsma)
Henri Miettinen (VihreÀmpi Aalto)
Emil Fihlman (Voltti)

Werneri Huhtinen (CHEM)
Akintayo Oyebola (Kylterirengas Otaniemi)
Jukka-Pekka Forsberg (Kylterirengas Töölö)
Kalle Pirinen (Kylterirengas Töölö)
Ville MyllylÀ (Luja)
Santeri Nuotio (LUOVA)
Jyri Tiimonen (Oikea Aalto)
Anton Eriksson (Polytekarna)
Henrikki Soininen (VihreÀmpi Aalto)
Antti-Juho Nieminen (Voltti)

Community Committee

Chairperson Noora Torpo (SCIsma)

Ellen HeikkilÀ (Polytekarna)
Leila Kettunen (CHEM)
Anna Halsas (Kylterirengas Töölö)
Joni Kariluoto (Kylterirengas Töölö)
Elisa Jokinen (Kylterirengas Otaniemi)
Paavo PietikÀinen (Luja)
Henri Heilala (LUOVA)
Christian Segercrantz (Polytekarna)
Iida Palosuo (Pro Arte)
Konsta Huuki (SCIsma)
Ari Viitala (SCIsma)
Viet Tran (VihreÀmpi Aalto)
Roope PÀÀkkönen (Voltti)

Jani Pusula (Luja)
Tyko Viertiö (CHEM)
Laura Auhto (Kylterirengas Töölö)
Helena Hansson (Polytekarna)
Aleksanteri Paakkinen (SCIsma)
Sameli Sivonen (VihreÀmpi Aalto)
Aliisa PietilÀ (Voltti)
Emmi Kosomaa (LUOVA)

Advocacy Committee

Chairperson Nicole Grekov (Kylterirengas Töölö)

Ellen HeikkilÀ (Polytekarna)
Peppi Vilén (CHEM)
Liisa Eloranta (Kylterirengas Otaniemi)
Joel Kulikoff (Kylterirengas Otaniemi)
Ella Oksala (Kylterirengas Otaniemi)
Jani Pusula (Luja)
Elina Kuutti (Pro Arte)
Matilda SĂ€de (SCIsma)
MĂ€rt Vesinurm (SCIsma)
Peppi SeppÀlÀ (VihreÀmpi Aalto)
Titta Saari (Voltti)
Saana Rossi (LUOVA)

Aliisa PietilÀ (Voltti)
Mikko Laine (CHEM)
Juho Paavola (Kylterirengas Töölö)
Topi Ronkainen (Kylterirengas Otaniemi)
Ingrid Schulman (Polytekarna)
Olli KekÀlÀinen (Luja)
SĂ€de Palmu (LUOVA)
Milja Leinonen (VihreÀmpi Aalto)

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