AYY’s association newsletter for the week 9/2018

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This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 9/2018

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

1st March 12:00 noon–29th March 12:00 noon: Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications (see item 1)
8th February–6th April: #LuovutusAalto vol. 3 (see item 3)

Content of the newsletter

  1. Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications start on March 1st, at 12:00 noon, and end on March 29th, at 12:00 noon
  2. “Safely in Events” training materials now available on the website
  3. #LuovutusAalto blood donation campaign between February 8th and April 6th 2018

1. Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications start on 1st March, at 12:00 noon, and end on 29th March, at 12:00 noon

All associations within AYY must fill out a yearly association notice. Failing to fill out the notice for two consecutive years or submitting an association notice with clearly inadequate information may lead to the association being removed from the AYY Association Register. Only associations belonging to the first list of AYY’s Association Register can apply for operating grants. You can familiarize yourself with the scoring model for the operating grants beforehand at: /wp-content/uploads/Pisteytysmalli_ENG.pdf

More detailed instructions on the association notice and operating grant application will be released next week, but you should already collect the necessary documents well in advance.

If you are only filling out the association notice without applying for the operating grant, you will need:
* Rules in effect
* The annual report for 2017
* The strategy for 2018
* A list of the officers

If you are also applying for the operating grant, you will need:
* Rules in effect
* The annual report for 2017
* The financial statement, balance sheet, profit and loss statement for 2017
* The strategy for 2018
* The budget for 2018
* A list of the officers


2. “Safely in Events” training materials now available on the website

AYY and the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) organized an event safety training for association actives on the 26th of January. The materials for the training are now available on AYY’s website in three languages:

Finnish: /yhdistykset/palvelut/koulutus-ja-kurssit/turvallisesti-tapahtumissa/
Swedish: /sv/foreningar/tjanster/utbildning-och-kurser/trygga-evenemang/
English: /en/associations/services/training-and-courses/safely-in-events/

People that organize events should particularly read and review the ways in which student events can be made safe for all participants. The materials also include tips for associations’ chairpersons and people responsible for communications on how to communicate correctly in situations where something has gone wrong despite the precautionary measures.


3. #LuovutusAalto blood donation campaign between February 8th and April 6th 2018

AYY challenges all associations active within its sphere of influence to save lives by donating blood!

The blood donation campaign runs until the 6th of April 2018, and every donation made by your association at a Blood Service Centre during the campaign counts towards the campaign’s total donations. The associations that have donated the most blood, both quantitatively and in percentage terms in relation to their number of members, are awarded a diploma and the use of one of AYY’s sauna facilities for one night. The award ceremony will be held at the AYY Annual Ball in May.

Read the instructions on how to participate, gather your association’s members and start donating: /en/blog/2018/02/01/luovutusaalto-is-here-again-blood-donation-campaign-between-february-8th-and-april-6th-2018/



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM to the address tiedotteet (a) ayy.fi. The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a) ayy.fi, phone: 050 520 9442).

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