AYY’s fresh staff members introduce themselves: Organizational Affairs and Communications Specialist and Sales Coordinator

Organizational Affairs and Communications specialist Essi Puustinen and Sales Coordinator Rasmus Ruohola have started their work in February at AYY. Get to know our new members of staff!

The new Organizational Affairs and Communications Specialist Essi Puustinen knows the Aalto community; after all, she has studied materials technology at the School of Chemical Engineering. After graduation she has worked at the Tekniikan Akateemiset as a field agent for students, and as member correspondent.

During her studies, Puustinen held positions like the Freshman Major for the Vuorimieskilta, familiarizing new students to Teekkari culture. She has also worked as the producer for the Teekkarispeksi, in addition to other smaller tasks.

” It will be fun to see AYY’s activities and the Aalto student community from a staff members point of view, and to see how they have developed since I graduated”, Puustinen says. She graduated in 2015.

The Organizational Affairs and Communications Specialist trains, supports and advises the 200+ organizations working in AYY’s sphere of influence, handles the operating grants and takes care of AYY’s organization register. They are also in charge of various kinds of tasks pertaining to internal communications in the Student Union.

” You spend a lot of time diving into the intricacies of the Associations Act for sure. It is nice that I get to develop my own communications skills in addition to helping and training others in this job,” Puustinen continues.

Even as an Aalto alumnus, Puustinen has occasionally been surprised of how diverse the Aalto community is.

” It’s interesting to delve further into what kind of communities operate in AYY’s sphere of influence, and how new ones are constantly born. For example, there is a group planning to build their own formula car; it’s cool that things like this are happening!”

Sales Coordinator Rasmus Ruohola started his work at the corporate relations sector. His tasks include searching for new corporate contacts for AYY, negotiating deals and planning corporate cooperation.

Ruohola studies bioinformation technology at the School of Electrical Engineering. He has previously garnered experience in corporate relations as the corporate relations master of the bioinformation technology student guild Inkubio.

” The corporate relations post of the guild interested me, and I excelled at the task. The AYY call for applications went live just as my job at the guild ended, so I decided this would be an effective way to continue on the same path.”

Ruohola says that working on a whole new scale has required getting used to. Responsibility feels greater when instead of a small guild you work for the entire 15 000-strong Student Union. Ruohola still has an optimistic feel of the future.

” Of course, I anticipate success”, he continues with a laugh.

” The recruitment fair which we are planning later this year is a particular interest of mine. My interest began last year when AYY tossed the ball to guild actives: Tell us your wildest ideas and we will see if we can make some of them happen. It’s awesome to be a part of organizing the fair”, he adds.

Puustinen and Ruohola remind that the staff is here for the members of the Student Union. You can always send the staff messages or come to the central office with any questions or thoughts.

” I will do my best to help organization actives in all things that they require. You can come and just say hi, too”, Puustinen concludes with a smile.

” If you have any innovative ideas or good leads, tip me off! What kind of corporate cooperation would you want to see the Student Union carry out?” Ruohola asks.

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