AYY’s association newsletter for the week 11/2018

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This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 11/2018

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations
1st March 12:00 noon–29th March 12:00 noon: Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications (see item 1 and instructions)
18th March: TTE Fund application round ends (see item 2)
18th March: Deadline for suggestions for recipients for the AYY acknowledgement reward (see item 3 and more information)
20th March at 10:00: Deadline for competitive bidding for organisations for cleaning Ullanlinnanmäki after May Day (see item 4)
22nd March: Deadline for signups for the Security Officer course (see item 5)
29th March: Deadline for the main administrator notifications of Otax (see item 6)
8th February–6th April: #LuovutusAalto vol. 3 (campaign page)

Content of the newsletter
1. Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications start on March 1st and end on March 29th, at 12:00 noon
2. The TTE Fund’s second application round for 2018 is now open!
3. Suggest a recipient for the AYY acknowledgement reward
4. Does your organisation want to make some money on May Day?
5. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!
6. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by March 29th


1. IMPORTANT: Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications start on March 1st and end on March 29th, at 12:00 noon

Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications are now open, and the submission period will end on March 29th, at 12:00 noon. Please start in time and work on the application little by little, as the process takes some time.

All associations within AYY must fill out a yearly association notice. Failing to fill out the notice for two consecutive years or submitting an association notice with clearly inadequate information may lead to the association being removed from the AYY Association Register. Only associations belonging to the first list of AYY’s Association Register can apply for operating grants. You can check which list your association belongs to from the TAHLO system or from the organizational sector (jarjestoasiat at ayy.fi).

Where to start? What should I do? Check out the comprehensive instructions: /en/blog/2018/02/28/submissions-for-association-notices-and-operating-grant-applications/ (you can find the answer to almost everything here, read the instructions carefully)

What operating grant? More information: /en/associations/services/operating-grants/
I know what to do! Direct link to the application system: http://tahlo.ayy.fi/
Questions or problems? Send a message to the organizational sector (jarjestoasiat at ayy.fi) or call our Organizational Affairs Specialist at 050 520 9442.

The operating grant applications and association notices will be handled as soon as possible during April. Any possible delays will be informed of separately.


2. The TTE Fund’s second application round for 2018 is now open!

The second application round of the TTE Fund for 2018 is now open! The fund may grant financial aid to all AYY members and associations operating within the Student Union. The TTE Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year, and through the continuous application period, which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for grants with a maximum amount of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The second application round of 2018 will end on Sunday, 18 March 2018, at 23:59. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/

Deadlines for the application rounds for spring 2018 and other additional information are available on the TTE Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the Facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto and information in English: https://tter.ayy.fi/hae-avustusta/briefly-in-english/.


3. Suggest a recipient for the AYY acknowledgement reward

Do you know a pioneer, unconventional bridge-builder or a cross-disciplinary hard worker in the Aalto community who deserves recognition?

Suggest a recipient for the Aalto University Student Union acknowledgement reward! You can make suggestions until March 18th. After the suggestion period is over, the acknowledgement working group will propose the final recipients of acknowledgements to AYY’s Board. Make suggestions here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/bling/

P.S. If you’d rather take part in deciding who gets the rewards, apply for the acknowledgement working group: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/hakemuslomake-huomionosoitustyoryhmaan/


4. Does your organisation want to make some money on May Day?

Now there is a good opportunity to do an eco action and to fill the coffers of your organisation! HYY declares a competitive bidding for organisations for cleaning Ullanlinnanmäki after May Day.

The organisation must commit to provide the full contribution of at least ten people. Cleaning will take place on Wednesday, 2 May, approx. from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Bids by Tuesday, 20 March, by 10 a.m. to Julius Uusinarkaus (julius.uusinarkaus(a)hyy.fi). If two organisations make the same bid, the organisation who made the bid first will win. The organisation with the best bid will be contacted on Tuesday, 20 March.


5. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!

AYY is organizing a Security Officer course. The training is held from the 6th to the 8th and from the 14th to the 16th of April 2018. The course is free if you commit to working as a Security Officer in four (4) AYY events by the end of 2019. You can also take part in the Security Officer refresher course on the 14th of April if your Security Officer card is running out of date. The refresher course is free if you commit to working as a Security Officer in one (1) AYY event.

The course has 20 slots and it’s organized in Otaniemi. The course will be held in Finnish.

The signup opens on the 12th of March at 12:00 noon and closes on the 22nd of March at 23:59 or when the course is full.

More info and signup: https://lomake.ayy.fi/vapaaehtoiset/kouluttaudu-jarjestyksenvalvojaksi/


6. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by March 29th

Concerning associations that have webpages or IDs at AYY’s web hotel service Otax.

The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by March 29th. The IDs of accounts from which notifications have not been made will be locked on April 1st, and the site will be closed down.

The notifier must also check the applications that are running, users who have access to the ID, etc. You can find more detailed instructions in the notification form. Please set aside enough time to make the notification and check the site.

You can make the notification at https://lomake.ayy.fi/it/otax-admin-report/?lang=en

More information on Otax and other IT services offered by AYY to associations can be found at https://otax.fi/.



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM to the address tiedotteet (a) ayy.fi. The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a) ayy.fi, phone: 050 520 9442).

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