Association newsletter 13/2018

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This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 13/2018

This is the final reminder: Please remember to fill in your association notice and applications for operating grants by the 29th of March, 12:00. You should also check out the important training on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which also concerns all associations working within AYY’s sphere of influence (item 2).

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations
1st March 12:00 noon–29th March 12:00 noon: Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications (see item 1 and instructions)
29th March: Deadline for the main administrator notifications of Otax (see item 3)
8th February–6th April: #LuovutusAalto vol. 3 (campaign page)
9th April at 16:00-20:00: Association training on the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (see item 2 and more information)

Content of the newsletter
1. IMPORTANT: Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications – last call!
2. Training on the 9th of April: Data protection legislation is changing, is your association prepared?
3. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by March 29th
4. The Aalto chaplains are here for you + egg hunt

1. IMPORTANT: Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications – last call!

Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications are open, and the submission period will end on next Thursday, March 29th, at 12:00 noon. If your association has not done these tasks yet, you should do so now. No quarter will be given to people who are late! You can work on the application litte by little and check out your previous application from the TAHLO system by changing the year from the tab.

All associations within AYY must fill out a yearly association notice. Failing to fill out the notice for two consecutive years or submitting an association notice with clearly inadequate information may lead to the association being removed from the AYY Association Register. Only associations belonging to the first list of AYY’s Association Register can apply for operating grants. You can check which list your association belongs to from the TAHLO system or from the organizational sector (jarjestoasiat at

Where to start? What should I do? Check out the comprehensive instructions: /en/blog/2018/02/28/submissions-for-association-notices-and-operating-grant-applications/ (you can find the answer to almost everything here, read the instructions carefully)

What operating grant? More information: /en/associations/services/operating-grants/

I know what to do! Direct link to the application system:

Questions or problems? Send a message to the organizational sector (jarjestoasiat at or call our Organizational Affairs Specialist at 050 520 9442. To make sure you get your answer on time, please send us your questions well before the deadline.

The operating grant applications and association notices will be handled as soon as possible during April. Any possible delays will be informed of separately.


2. Training on the 9th of April: Data protection legislation is changing, is your association prepared?

All organizations handling personal information must use the new EU GDPR on data protection, starting from May. The law also applies to association within AYY’s sphere of influence. Join the training to learn what you need to learn about the new data protection regulation (GDPR=General Data Protection Regulation).

The training is in Finnish, but one workshop does a summary of the most important points in English. Chairpersons and people who handle member information (like the member register and event signups) should attend the event.

The training is organized at the Aalto University learning center in Otaniemi on the 9th of April from 15:30 to 19:30. The training starts with coffee, followed by the lecture from 16:00 to 18:00 and the workshops from 18:15 to 19:30. If you cannot attend, there is also an online stream for the lecture (16:00-18:00). After the lecture in Finnish, there will be a workshop in English (18:15-19:15). The workshop will summarize the key points of the webinar and give brief instructions and tips on how student organizations should develop their practices regarding personal data.

The event is organized in cooperation with Tekniikan Akateemiset and the Helsinki University Student Union.

More information on workshops and the event:
Link straight to the signup:


3. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by March 29th

Concerning associations that have webpages or IDs at AYY’s web hotel service Otax. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by March 29th. The IDs of accounts from which notifications have not been made will be locked on April 1st, and the site will be closed down.

The notifier must also check the applications that are running, users who have access to the ID, etc. You can find more detailed instructions in the notification form. Please set aside enough time to make the notification and check the site.

You can make the notification at

More information on Otax and other IT services offered by AYY to associations can be found at


4. The Aalto chaplains are here for you + egg hunt

Hi! We’re Anu Morikawa and Marjut Mulari, Aalto University chaplains, or just Aalto chaplains for short. We’re at the disposal of the entire university community: the students, staff and associations, regardless of your religion or beliefs.

Life is made up of many elements, and fitting them together is not always easy. Sometimes it’s good to stop and think about what kind of resources you have at your disposal. We like to think that, at its best, our work is preventive – it’s always better to air out your thoughts or concerns in life when things haven’t yet become a complete mess. Sometimes it’s enough to talk to a friend, relative or someone else close to you. Sometimes there are things that you may not want to share with your loved ones, and sometimes talking with a so-called outsider can help open up new perspectives. As chaplains, we have an absolute obligation of secrecy, and you can usually reserve a time to talk with us already for the same day.

We don’t organize any regular activities, but there are events at the Otaniemi Chapel from time to time. In the spring of 2018, there are at least Sunday brunches, creative writing afternoons and, of course, the #munajahti2018 (#egghunt2018) for associations! You can find us on Into: and on Instagram: @aaltopapit.

Don’t be afraid to contact us in all big and small questions you may have in your life. You can book a time for a discussion by email or by phone. We’re happy to help all associations in both happy matters as well as in times of crisis and sorrow. You can also just invite us over for a coffee to your guild room, we’ll be happy to come.

The Aalto chaplains’ workstation is located in the Undergraduate Center, room M 136.

Anu Morikawa, 050 4644 375
Marjut Mulari, 050 365 2256

The most energetic EGGHUNT of the year at the Otaniemi chapel on Monday 26th of March from 14:00 to 16:00!
The traditional chapel #munajahti2018 is here again! At the egg hunt, teams have 3 minutes to find, gather, hoard, hunt and chase the eggs hidden in the chapel. The eight fastest guild teams are participating, so act fast! Come up with a name for your guild team and sign up for your own laptime on doodle at: The hunt will be followed with coffee. The hunt is organized by the Aalto chaplains and the Tapiola parish. Don’t miss it!



Send your short text to us by Tuesday 10:00 AM (earlier than usual because of Easter) to the address tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), phone: 050 520 9442).


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