Many of AYY’s one-time rental facilities are undergoing renovation

The renovation of the Jämeräntaival 3, 5 and 7 properties in Otaniemi is proceeding as planned, and in terms of the overall schedule, the project has reached its halfway point. The renovation will also affect many one-time rental facilities located on the properties.

The following one-time rental facilities will undergo renovation at the start of April: Gorsu, the Living Room of the Teekkari Village and the Tatami Hall. At the end of June, renovation will also start at the Multi-Facility Hall.

The renovations cause many challenges for event organizers, but your patience will be rewarded with more functional and comfortable facilities. If you have any questions or comments regarding AYY’s rental facilities or their renovation, you can send a message to the Facilities Sector at tilat(at)

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