Advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis to start soon

The advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis for associations will start on Friday 4th May 2018. Advance bookings are organised by using AYY’s own booking system TILA.


You can make advance reservations for the period Mon, 13 August 2018 – Sun, 6 January 2019.


The schedule for facility reservations in the system is as follows:

  1. AYY’s internal operators, reservation period 19 April – 4 May 2018.
    The reservation period ends at 12noon on Fri, 4 May 2018.
  2. Special status associations 4 May – 17 May 2018.
    The reservation period begins at 2pm on Fri, 4 May and ends at 12noon on Thu, 17 May.
    The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (Otakaari 1) hall M1 (M232) from 4.30 pm onwards on Thu, 17 May 2018.
  3. Other associations in the 1stlist on 18 May – 24 May 2018.
    The reservation period begins at 12noon on Fri, 18 May and ends at 12noon on Thu, 24 May 2018. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (Otakaari 1) hall M1 (M232) from 4.30 pm onwards on Thu, 24 May 2018.


A few notes about the making of reservations:

  • TILA can be found at and the users log in with Aalto University’s IT username, using the same logging system as when using Into, for example. The easiest way to get started is to read the instructions behind the Instructions/Help link in the menu bar at the top of the page.
  • In advance booking, facilities are reserved under the name of associations. The activation key has been sent to the email address provided by an association (usually this is the mailing list address of the association board) already in the spring, so the person who has handled the facility bookings of the association this year may distribute representation rights through TILA if necessary.
  • If you receive representation rights for a group, the message subject is ”TILA: Activation key for group GROUP NAME”. The activation key can only be used once, so the person who has first logged on to the system may add representation rights to suitable persons in the group in order to make reservations. The reservation right is only activated for the associations which have filled out the association notice and whose information has been updated to the association register this year.
  • Enter the event name in the reservation. If there is no name, the event may be deleted if there are several reservations for the same date at the later stages of the booking session.
  • Please note that AYY’s internal reservations are mainly permanent.
  • Any reservations for anniversaries and anniversary brunches made by special status associations take priority compared to other reservations made by other associations. Reservations made by special status associations will be confirmed when that reservation period ends. In the first booking session we will clarify the duplicate reservation of special status associations.The special status associations do not have to come to defend their reservations to the second booking session.
  • Duplicate bookings can only be made within the reservation periods. After the end of the reservation period, associations can edit, delete or add new reservations which do not overlap with other reservations. Any duplicate reservations can be cancelled by using your own username in the advance booking session, so please bring your laptop in order to get the event running smoothly.
  • When making reservations for long periods of time, please bear in mind that you MUST come to the associations’ advance booking session to give grounds for the bookings made.  If needed, AYY will also contact the associations in advance.
  • Only reserve the facility for times when you really need it. If possible, please avoid reservations in Smökki for the following times: PO has rehearsals at Smökki every Monday 6pm-9 pm & RWBK at Smökki every Tuesday at 5pm-10pm. Please avoid sitsit on Mondays & Tuesdays.
  • The prices for internal operators and associations will stay the same as in the beginning of 2018. Price list can be found here:

Please note! Due to renovations there are some exceptions:

  • Gorsu, Living Room, Multi-facility Hall and Tatami Hall can not be booked for the following time period: 13.8.2018 –
  • OK20 upstairs can not be booked for the following time period: 30.11.2018 –
  • Takkacabinet, Game Room, Sitsi Kitchen and Rooftop Sauna can not be booked for the following time period: 10.12.2018 –

If you have not received your confirmation code for the user group that you represent or if you have any other questions related to advance booking sessions, please contact AYY’s service manager: riitu.nuutinen (a)

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