Association newsletter week 17/2018

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 17/2018

 Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations
22nd April: The application period for the OtaHoas club rooms ends (see item 4 and
29th April: Crazy John (see item 5, sign-up for checkpoint keepers ends on the 24th of April)
30th April: Dipoli’s Wappu (
17th May: Advance booking of AYY’s one-time rental facilities I (see item 2)
19th May: AYY 8th Annual Ball (see item 3 and
24th May: Advance booking of AYY’s one-time rental facilities II (see item 2)
25th May: EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect (see item 1)
27th May: Sign up your events into the yearly calendar

More important dates: and the Whappu application.

Content of the newsletter
1. GDPR – EU’s General Data Protection Regulation is coming
2. Advance booking of AYY’s one-time rental facilities starts on the 4th of May 2018
3. AYY 8th Annual Ball on the 19th of May 2018
4. OtaHoas has two facilities available for associations
5. Come and be a checkpoint keeper at Crazy John!


1. GDPR – EU’s General Data Protection Regulation is coming
Starting from the 25th of May, all organizations handling personal information must comply with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

On Monday, the 9th of April, a training was held for organizations within AYY’s sphere of influence, since the regulation also concerns all associations. The lecture material is available at (requires you to log in using your Aalto University username and password).

The above website also contains example documents for the privacy statements and the data protection policy for associations, frequently asked questions and general information on the subject.

If you have any questions related to the GDPR, please contact AYY’s IT expert at petteri.nummela(a)


2. Advance booking of AYY’s one-time rental facilities starts on the 4th of May 2018
The advance booking of AYY’s one-time rental facilities for associations starts on Thursday, the 4th of May 2018. Advance bookings are organized by using AYY’s own booking system TILA.

You can make advance bookings for the period Mon, 13th of August 2018–Sun, 6th of January 2019.

The schedule for facility bookings in the system is as follows:
1. AYY’s internal operators, reservation period 19th April-4th May 2018. The reservation period ends on 4th May 2018 at 12:00 noon.
2. Special status associations 4th May-17th May 2018. The reservation period starts on Fri, 4th May at 14:00 and ends on Thu, 17th May at 12:00 noon. The booking session will be held in Otaniemi on Thu, 17th May 2018 from 16:30 onwards (the venue will be confirmed later).
3. Other associations in the 1st register 18th May-24th May 2018. The reservation period starts on Fri, 18th May at 12:00 noon and ends on Thu, 24th May 2018 at 12:00 noon. The booking session will be held in Otaniemi on Thu, 24th May 2018 from 16:30 onwards (the venue will be confirmed later).

More detailed instructions will be sent in the next association newsletters. Instructions will be sent to associations also via email.


3. AYY 8th Annual Ball on the 19th of May 2018
The 8th Annual Ball of the Aalto University Student Union takes place on the 19th of May 2018. We welcome all members to participate in the celebrations.

This year, the party will kick off with a cocktail party at Saha, Konemiehentie 1 at 15:00. The celebration dinner will be held at restaurant Koskenranta, located in Helsinki, starting at 18:00. The dinner will consist of a three-course meal and excellent program. The afterparty locations will be announced later.

The cost of the Annual Ball is 80€ for members of AYY and 100€ for others. Signup is open until the 16th of April for all guests. The dress code at the party will be white tie with academic honors.

Read more:
Herring brunch:


4. OtaHoas has two facilities available for associations

OtaHoas (the tenant committee for Hoas student properties in Otaniemi) has two general-purpose club rooms available for associations to use. The facilities are located at Jämeräntaival 10 AB and at Servin Maijan tie 3 A.

No rent is charged for the use of the facilities, and support may be granted to associations for putting them into use. Associations may use the facilities as they see best, as long as their use brings added value to resident activities. The facilities are not suitable for night-time use.

The application period for the OtaHoas club rooms ends on the 22nd of April. For more information and application instructions, visit

The instructions are available only in Finnish. Please contact the tenant committee if necessary

Come and be a checkpoint keeper at Crazy John!

Wappu is soon here and, with it, the highly anticipated traditional Crazy John event, now with an Approtwist™!

In the Crazy John event, teams consisting of about 4–10 people travel around Otaniemi the night before the Wappu eve, completing various checkpoints and collecting marks for their maps. Now your association or group of friends has the chance to be right in the thick of it and lift everyone’s spirits by holding a checkpoint of your own!

The registration for checkpoint keepers is open at and it will close on the 24th of April. If your association does not have a club room and you want hold your checkpoint indoors, register as soon as possible and contact the organizers, and we will do our best to arrange the needed premises for you.

The best checkpoint is rewarded with a marvelous Wappu basket with lots of goodies in it, and a free AYY rentable sauna space for one day (has to be used by the end of the year).


WHAT: Checkpoint for Crazy John!
WHERE: Around Otaniemi
WHEN: April 29th 2018, approx. 21:30-1:00, after the Fuksispeksit and the starting bang
REGISTRATION OPEN: Until April 24th at

For further information, please contact the Teekkari Culture Directors:
Paavo Hietala and Elena Pitkänen



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM to the address tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), phone: 050 520 9442).


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