AYY Seal of Approval awards to Kvantti magazine, the Aalto Space project and Eero Eloranta

The Aalto University Student Union awarded several Seals of Approval at the Opintoasiainsitsit-party (Learning Services sitsit), organized together with the Aalto University, on Wednesday 18th of April.

A Seal of Approval can be awarded to practices at the Aalto University which are deemed good by the students. By awarding a Seal of Approval, AYY gives recognition to practices which for example develop the well-being of students, the meaningfulness of studies, interaction or the general atmosphere of the University. The award has been ongoing since 2015.

The awards were given based on the following:


The Physics guild magazine Kvantti bravely grasps current topics. Professionally written and understandable articles tell things how they really are and make an impression on the reader.

AYY believes that students have the power to change both the University and society. Our associations do excellent advocacy work in many different fields of expertise.

Aalto Space

Aalto Space enables booking vacant University rooms for the use of students with ease. The app helps find a suitable space and cuts on the downtime rooms spend unoccupied.

AYY believes in user driven services in the development of the university. The project helps studying in Aalto and is a good example of flexible action on a national level as well.

In addition, the Vice Rector Eero Eloranta was awarded a special Seal of Approval on the work he has done to support the student representatives in University administration (“hallopeds”).

The Opintoasiainsitsit party is a joint party for the student representatives and the University staff.

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