Apply for SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation

Are you inspired by global influencing and promoting education on an international level? Are you a persistent communicator, good at building networks, or a fundraising pro? Do you want to share some of your expertise with the world?

We are looking for imaginative people, who are committed and motivated, to join the National Union of University Students in Finland SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation (KENKKU). SYL is Finland’s largest lobbying and service organisation for students, representing 15 member organisations and 130,000 university students. The Advisory Board for Development Cooperation advises SYL’s board on matters relating to development cooperation.

We expect KENKKU members to be committed and motivated, but the main aim of the KENKKU membership is to improve one’s skillset.

KENKKU is made up of three themed groups: the Communications Team, the Influencing Team and the Networking/Corporate Relations Team.

Each team has five members, and one of them acts as chairperson of the team. All KENKKU members meet three times a year: in September, in December/January and in May. KENKKU members are expected to participate in the joint meetings. In addition, the chairpersons of the teams also meet approximately once a month at SYL’s office to plan and develop KENKKU’s activities.

In between the chairperson and member meetings, the team work independently using the collaboration tool Slack. Each team also has two meetings of its own at SYL’s office. We hope that all KENKKU members will promote SYL’s development cooperation activities to the representatives, board and/or subcommittee for Development Cooperation of their student union.

KENKKU’s first joint meeting will be held on Friday 14 September 2018 from 10:00 to 16:00.

Apart from the meetings, members should reserve approximately 20 hours per term for KENKKU’s activities – slightly more for chairpersons. Lunch will be served at the meetings held at SYL’s office, and the travel expenses of the participants will be reimbursed.

The teams and their tasks:

  1. The Communications Team

The Communications Team is in charge of our development cooperation activities’ visibility on social media, creates content and comes up with ideas to improve our communications.

As a team member you get to write blog posts, coordinate student union visits and their content, and act as a link between KENKKU and the communications sectors of the student unions.

  1. The Influencing Team

The parliamentary elections will be held in the spring of 2019. As a member of the Influencing Team you get to develop content for SYL’s election lobbying in relation to development policy. As the European Parliament election is also drawing near, you also get to acquaint yourself with EU development policy.

The team’s tasks include research and creating background material and arguments for the lobbying work.

  1. The Networking/Corporate Relations Team

The Networking/Corporate Relations Team does the fundraising for the development cooperation work. You get to research and contact potential corporate partners and find support for SYL’s development cooperation activities.

We want to find team members with lots of ideas and a vision for marketing and fundraising.

In its work, SYL emphasises diversity and equal opportunities, so we welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and genders.

Please send us an application, including a CV and a cover letter where you explain your views and experience in relation to our activities. You should also tell us which team you would like to become a member of and whether you might be interested in chairing a team. Please also include details on any circumstances which may lead to you not being able to take part fully in the activities for a prolonged period of time (e.g. plans for studies abroad).

Send in your application via email by 23 May 2018 to

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