AYY handed the Flower Day compliment to Museum Director Susanna Pettersson

News Bulletin
For Immediate Release

The Aalto University Student Union handed the Flower Day compliment to the Ateneum art museum Director Susanna Pettersson on the 13th of May 2018.

During the year 2018 the Student Union is celebrating the Year of Art. The aim is to bring art into the spotlight in many ways, and to enhance students’ comfort, well-being and to help them have enough strength to study. Art is very prominent in the Aalto community this year because the School of Art and Design will be moving to their new facilities in Otaniemi during the fall.

The receiver of the Flower Day compliment was chosen with the Year of Art in mind. Susanna Pettersson has been involved in enhancing the visibility of art in Finnish society and is a member of the Aalto University Board.

Pettersson is currently acting as Director of the Ateneum art museum. Her previous tasks include director of the Finnish Institute in London, board member at the visual art center Frame, directorial tasks at several cultural institutions including the Alvar Aalto foundation, the Alvar Aalto museum and several tasks at the Valtion Taidemuseo (National Art Museum) which preceded the Finnish National Gallery.

In addition, Pettersson has been a member in several evaluation groups, committees and steering groups at the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education. She is a docent of museology at the University of Jyväskylä, and acts as a guest lecturer at for example the Reinwardt Academy in Amsterdam.

Pettersson received the Flower Day compliment in the Ateneum art museum in Helsinki on Saturday, the 12th of May. On Sunday, the 13th of May, a video of Petterson receiving the compliment was shown in Servin Mökki at Otaniemi, as a part of the Flower Day celebrations that everyone interested was welcome to join in.


History of the Flower Day compliment

The Flower Day compliment used to be a spring greeting to Helsinki from teekkari students who have moved to Otaniemi. The first Flower Day compliment was given to Eero Rydman, incumbent Lord Mayor of Helsinki at the time, on the 13th of May 1956.

Now, the point of the compliment is to direct the gaze of political officials to current affairs or affairs that students think are important like education, living, mass transportation, research or national defence. The message has been handed, among others, to the President of the Republic, several ministers, members of parliament and other societal influencers.


The Flower Day compliment of May 13th 2018 in its entirety:

(Read an English translation of the compliment under the photo.)

The Flower Day compliment

Dear museum Director and Board member Petterson!

The surest sign of spring, the Flower Day message, is here again, even more magnificent than before. From the cradle of art, Otaniemi, we deliver thee this traditional message, the 66th Flower Day compliment.

Our grand dreams come true when technology and business finally meet the valuable art. The campus community blooms and we shall enjoy the fruits together.

We can finally be true, multidisciplinary creators and we shall understand how art lights up our world. This understanding remains with us throughout our lives and opens up new possibilities. We wish that each Aalto student can challenge their own creativity and also test their own limits in the scientific community.

Student benefits, street art and joint artistic ventures keep the spark of youthful inspiration going strong. We hold it dear to our hearts that the Finnish art community embraces our students with open arms, further strengthening the passion for art.

Thus, this year, we have the Year of Arts – a noble aim to make art easier to approach in all of its forms. The students shall be awaken to see the creativity in our community and the campus shall celebrate our collective prowess. The collaboration with Aalto University is important to our community. This year, we can express ourselves and show our art to the world when we gather together to celebrate the Otaniemi Night of the Arts.

It’s never easy when the times are changing, there are always some troubles along the way. Let’s make sure art continues to have a place in our community in the future. Otaniemi is the best place to study and live.

In Ateneum
On Flower Day 2018


More info
Campus section chairperson Aino Hautala
+358 44 255 0934, aino.hautala@ayy.fi

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