Presenting the new AYY housing secretary

Housing secretary Peppi Reinikka started their job in the Aalto University Student Union at the Central Office in Otaniemi in May. She is in charge, along with the rest of the member services team, of relaying apartment offers for AYY’s 2500 student apartments to the members of the Student Union and assisting the community in housing-related matters.

The tasks of a housing secretary in a student union are a new field of expertise for Peppi. She has studied photography at the Pekka Halonen academy and worked in event production in the restaurant sector.

” Student Unions are a new thing for me, unless you count organizing student parties or sitting behind the bar counter at the Helsinginkadun Appro”, Reinikka says with a laugh.

Reinikka says that working night shifts started to slowly but steadily get to her. Continuing in customer service still had its appeal, and the AYY call for applications seemed promising.

” I had the feeling that the Student Union was searching for a right-type of” doer” with a good attitude instead of a person with a lengthy career and lots of expertise from the housing sector.”

The tasks of a housing secretary include customer service on the phone, via email and at the AYY Otaniemi service point at the Central Office. The housing secretary sends apartment offers, handles rental contracts, hands out keys and answers all kinds of questions pertaining to student living.

Reinikka says that the world of housing has oodles of things to learn for a person changing into a new field of expertise. One must be versed both in AYY’s housing regulation and all the legislation pertaining to housing and living.

” There is a lot of information and instructions. I know how to get into the mood set of a student applying for their first apartment and explain all the twists and turns to them in a manner they can understand.”

According to Reinikka, customer service work requires a good sense of circumspection and good skills in teamwork.

” You need a good eye for the situation. Each situation is unique, and if there is no straight answer available, one should consult their team members.”

Housing is an issue that sparks both feelings and worries, it is after all very personal and deals with basic requirements in life.

” We get a lot of queries on how housing applications are progressing. It is understandable that you might panic a bit when faced with possible homelessness”, Reinikka states.

Personally, she expects to learn more and more on housing in the upcoming months to better assist all the customers.

” It is good that we have a lot of challenges. I am anxious to learn the trade!”

Text: Siiri Liitiä
Photo: Aino Korpinen

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