The scholarships of spring 2018 have been decided

In its meeting on May the 30th, 2018, the board of AYY has accepted the proposal of the scholarship committees for the distribution of the spring 2018 scholarships, and dealt out scholarships and grants based on them.

There were 354 applicants in total. The applications were as follows:
• Exchange scholarship: 222 applications
• Community scholarship: 100 applications
• Study scholarship: 160 applications.



Study Scholarship

Arponen Jenna 500 €
Helin Katariina 500 €
Honkasaari Marianne 500 €
Huhtanen Pyry 500 €
Huhtinen Werneri 500 €
Huuhtanen Markus 500 €
Kangas Sofia 500 €
Kekäläinen Kalle 500 €
Koskinen Tomi 500 €
Kosomaa Emmi 500 €
Kulikoff Joel 500 €
Lauritsalo Anna 500 €
Lehtovaara Joonas 500 €
Matilainen Noora 500 €
Niemeläinen Mikko 500 €
Niemenoja Oskar 500 €
Pantsar Hannu 500 €
Parkkila Anni 500 €
Pietikäinen Paavo 500 €
Riski Timo 500 €


Community Scholarship

Anttila Jakke 500 €
Heikkilä Ellen 500 €
Heilala Henri 500 €
Hemminki Ilkka 500 €
Härmä Taneli 500 €
Kuronen Johanna 500 €
Lampi Onni 500 €
Lehti Kia 500 €
Lähdesniemi Henrik 500 €
Malinen Aki 500 €
Nylund Jimmy 500 €
Nyrhilä Lauri 500 €
Orpana Joona 500 €
Pietilä Aliisa 500 €
Rantataro Tuomas 500 €
Seppälä Peppi 500 €
Seppälä Otso 500 €
Suominen Matti 500 €
Virtanen Erna 500 €
Vuorelma Johanna 500 €


Exchange Scholarship

Agerskov Maria 600 €
Gunell Nina 375 €
Hemminki Ilkka 450 €
Hirvi Mari 600 €
Niittylä Annika 450 €
Pantsar Hannu 550 €
Parkkila Anni 600 €
Partanen Milla 550 €
Porkka Julianna 375 €
Reinikainen Kati 650 €
Riski Timo 600 €
Soirola Stella 650 €
Strömberg Laura 350 €
Sulonen Pietari 600 €
Suonsivu Riku 500 €
Tamminen Juho 600 €
Taskinen Emilia 350 €
Tuominen Nicky 650 €
Vesinurm Märt 500 €



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