Association newsletter week 24/2018

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This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 24/2018

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations
15th June: Collection of ideas for the Student Center ends (see item 1 and
29th June at 12 noon: Post-announcement for association notices ends (see item 2 and instructions)
30th June: Deadline for financial support applications for the Otaniemi Night of Arts (see item 3)
31st July: Survey on AYY’s advocacy policies closes (see item 4 and direct link to the survey)

Contents of the newsletter
1. The website is now open
2. Operating grants 2018 and missing association notices
3. Sub-event application period for the Otaniemi Night of Arts on the 6th of October is now open
4. Share your ideas on AYY’s advocacy policies
5. Study credits for active students
6. AYY is now GDPR-compatible

1. The website is now open

The website is now open! Check them out, browse the ideas and add your own. The Student Center is a joint venture by the Aalto University Student Union (AYY), the Aalto University Business Students (KY) and Teknologföreningen (TF). The plan is to create a building for all students on the Otaniemi campus, next to the metro station entrance and the Harald Herlin Learning Center.

A Student Center seminar was held in April 2018, , johon osallistui edustajia erityisasemayhdistysten puheenjohtajien neuvostosta, edustajistosta ja AYY:n jaostoista. The goal of the seminar was to brainstorm what kinds of facilities, functions and services the center could have.

The ideas gathered onto the website are results of the seminar. Anyone can browse the ideas, like them and add their own ideas. We will go through the most popular ideas on Friday, the 15th of June, with further planning in mind. So, visit the website and add your own top ideas. What would you want the Student center to have?

The Board members in charge of the Student Center are Emma Savela (real estate) and Noora Tanska (community). Both can be reached via their emails at firstname.surname (a)


2. Operating grants 2018 and missing association notices
The operating grants for 2018 have been granted and the sums are available at /en/associations/services/operating-grants/operating-grants-2018/

Operating grants are paid when all the prerequisites have been fulfilled. The payment order regarding the grants has been sent to most associations this week. The payment will be visible on the account submitted to the TAHLO system by the end of June.

If an association has discrepancies or things missing from their profiles on the AYY website, they will be notified of this in early June. The profile must be completed before the grants are paid, according to the instructions submitted when the applications opened. Organizations that have been granted additional time for certain appendices will not be specifically reminded about submitting them. These organizations must submit the appendices in accordance with the instructions they have received when the additional time was granted in order to receive the grant.

Associations that have not yet filed an association notice for 2018 must do so between the 6th of June, 12:00 noon, and 20th of June, 12:00 noon, at It is no longer possible to apply for operating grants this year. If the association fails to fill an association notice in the allocated time for the second year in a row, the association can be removed from the Student Union’s list of associations.

Additional instructions for association notices: /en/blog/2018/02/28/submissions-for-association-notices-and-operating-grant-applications/


3. Sub-event application period for the Otaniemi Night of Arts on the 6th of October is now open
The Otaniemi Night of Arts will be held for the first time on Saturday, the 6th of October. It is a cross-artistic, free campus festival, where all willing associations within AYY can take part in making the creative program.

The Otaniemi Night of Arts consists of several sub-events organized by students, and the application period for the sub-events is now open. Your event can be pretty much anything, as long as it is related to art in some way: an exhibition, a live music night, a dance workshop or even poetry karaoke. Only imagination and the laws of physics are the limit!

AYY provides the use of facilities for event organizers for free. You can also receive financial support for your event through AYY and the TTE Fund until the 30th of June.

Read more about the Otaniemi Night of Arts and sign up as a sub-event organizer:

More information: tero.uuttana (a)


4. Share your ideas on AYY’s advocacy policies
In what societal questions should Aalto people be especially active in? How should AYY react to subsistence, equality and sustainable development?

The Aalto University Student Union is updating its policy papers this year. At the same time, the current policy papers will be combined into a single document. The idea is to create a document that ensures that AYY’s advocacy work is transparent and in line with the members’ opinions.

By taking the survey, you can bring new issues and ideas to the policy paper preparation work:

The survey is open until July 31st. For more information, please contact AYY’s Advocacy and Communications Manager: heikki.isotalo (a)


5. Study credits for active students
Hello, active students!

Have you worked actively in the Aalto University Student Union (in a section, for example), in an association operating within AYY (as a board member or officer), or in the University as a student representative in administration in 2017? You can get study credits for it.

The course (3 credits) includes writing a reflection report regarding what you have learned in the task and participation in a peer learning seminar.

Click the link to see course details:

AYY has consistently emphasized the importance of organizational activity for the development of individual know-how, and that is why we are happy that the Aalto University has decided to award study credits for students’ work in associations. For more information, please contact AYY’s education policy expert, Minna Mäkitalo, who has contributed to the format of the course: minna.makitalo (a)


6. AYY is now GDPR-compatible
The EU General Data Protection Regulation came into effect on Friday, the 25th of May 2018. AYY has prepared for the regulation in many ways to keep the data of our members safe.

The privacy statements on AYY’s registers with contact personnel can be found at

AYY has trained its staff and the associations in its sphere of influence on the GDPR. You can check out the information, aimed towards associations, with examples, here: (requires you to sign in using your Aalto University ID)

Please note that if you do not wish to receive the AYY association newsletter, you can unsubscribe from the list by following the instructions behind the link:




Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM to the address tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), phone: 050 520 9442).

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