Association newsletter week 25/2018

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This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 25/2018

Still a few weeks left to file your missing association notices! Also remember to answer the space survey for associations and share your ideas on AYY’s advocacy policies. Associations intending to rent facilities from AYY in the summer should also check out the service office’s summer opening hours.

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations
29th June at 12 noon: Post-announcement for association notices ends (see item 1 and instructions)
30th June: AYY’s space survey for associations closes (see item 2)
30th June: Deadline for financial support applications for the Otaniemi Night of Arts (
3rd July: Afterwork at Smökki and beach volleyball tournament (see item 4)
31st July: Survey on AYY’s advocacy policies closes (see item 5 and direct link to the survey)


Contents of the newsletter
1. File your missing association notices by Friday, the 29th of June, 12:00 noon
2. What kind of spaces does your association need? Have an impact by taking the survey!
3. Service office’s summer opening hours
4. Afterwork at Smökki and the Smökki Cup beach volleyball tournament on the 3rd of July
5. Share your ideas on AYY’s advocacy policies


1. File your missing association notices by Friday, the 29th of June, 12:00 noon
All associations within AYY must fill out a yearly association notice. Associations that have not yet filed an association notice for 2018 must do so before the 29th of June, 12:00 noon. It is no longer possible to apply for operating grants this year. If the association fails to fill an association notice in the allocated time for the second year in a row, the association can be removed from the Student Union’s list of associations.

Association notices are submitted through the TAHLO system, which can be found at You can log in using your association’s username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, you can recover it and have it sent to the association’s contact e-mail address at

Fill out the following Tahlo tabs carefully: General, Board, Facilities and Attachments. You can update the form up until it closes on the 29th of June at 12:00 noon, so you do not need to do everything at once. Remember to save your changes before exiting a tab!

When filling out the association notice, you will need:
*   Rules in effect
*   The annual report for 2017
*   The strategy for 2018
*   A list of the officers

Also remember to update your association profile on the AYY website. For more detailed instructions, see /en/blog/2018/02/28/submissions-for-association-notices-and-operating-grant-applications/. If you have any questions or problems, do not hesitate to contact the organizational sector (jarjestoasiat at


2. What kind of spaces does your association need? Have an impact by taking the survey!
How satisfied are you with the facilities that AYY provides for associations? What new spaces and services would your association like to see? And what are your association’s hopes regarding the Student Center?

Take the survey for associations about AYY’s spaces by the 30th of June to get your voice heard! Answers to the survey will be used in the planning of the Student Center and other AYY’s upcoming facilities.

Take the survey here:

A free use of an AYY rentable space (excluding Servin mökki and Rantasauna) will be raffled among associations that have taken the survey. The prize is valid for the rest of the year.


3. Service office’s summer opening hours
AYY’s service office in Otaniemi will be open at exceptional hours during the summer:

– The office is closed on Midsummer Eve (Fri 22nd June) and between 9th July and 27th July (key distribution service for one-time rental facilities on Mondays between 14:00 and 17:00).

– The housing services’ telephone service is closed between Mon 2nd July and Wed 1st August.

– Exceptional opening hours of the cashier service: weekdays from 1st to 8th June 12:00–14:00, from 2nd to 6th July 12:00–14:00.

You can check the full opening hours and contact details of the service office on the AYY website: /en/contact-information/#Otaniemi


4. Afterwork at Smökki and the Smökki Cup beach volleyball tournament on the 3rd of July

The residents of Otaniemi have transitioned to a summer mode, each in their own way. Some withdrawal symptoms of the spring’s event-mania can be observed. Hard-working or hardly-working friends are nowhere to be found. What to do?

The answer is obvious: let’s go to the wellbeing committee’s SmökkiAfterwork on 3rd of July! Gather all your friends regardless of their summer plans and come enjoy the sunny weather, a few drinks and the great company on this Tuesday evening. Pub Smökki has it all: world cup football, authentic PubQuiz and a lot more! Refreshments and snacks are available for a small cash fee.

A volleyball tournament is also held alongside the afterwork by the AAVA’s sports committee, more info can be found here:

What: Afterwork for the whole Otaniemi
When: On Tuesday 3.7. from 17 onwards
Where: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
Why: Because it’s summer and time for an afterwork in good company!


5. Share your ideas on AYY’s advocacy policies
The Aalto University Student Union is updating its policy papers this year. At the same time, the current policy papers will be combined into a single document. In what societal questions should Aalto people be especially active in?

By taking the survey, you can bring new issues and ideas to the policy paper preparation work:

The survey is open until July 31st. For more information, please contact AYY’s Advocacy and Communications Manager: heikki.isotalo (a)



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM to the address tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), phone: 050 520 9442).

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