New Project Coordinator helps the Aalto community develop

Project Coordinator for community and organisational structures Elina Nieminen has started working at the Aalto University Student Union’s Central office in the beginning of August. The Coordinator, whose post lasts until Christmas, will be working together with existing members to develop the structures of the Aalto community.

Student organisations are a true passion for Elina Nieminen, who is studying Educational Sciences at the University of Helsinki. Her CV includes an impressive number of different organisational posts even before joining AYY.

”I started off as a tutor and was quickly immersed in organisational activities. I’ve acted as, for example, the President of the student organisation for students of Home Economics, Kopeda, and the cooperation organisation of students in the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Condus, as well as the Vice Chair of the Student Organisations Committee at the Student Union of the University of Helsinki,” counts Nieminen.

For the past year, Nieminen was on HYY’s Board, where she was responsible for events, organisational communication and volunteers.  Her work at AYY will involve the same themes.

“I’ve always liked the Aalto community and its spirit. It’ll be interesting to get to develop it and learn something new at the same time – I’ve never been working on a project like this before, you see.”

The work of the Project Coordinator for community and organisational structures includes conducting interviews and conversations to figure out how the structures of the Aalto community and the cooperation of the student union and the associations within it could be developed.

“The exact outcome of the project is still a mystery, as all development suggestions will be thought up together with the community. After that, the suggestions will be presented to the Board and Council of AYY who will decide how to proceed with them,” explains Nieminen.

The aim of the project is a more unified student community in which the students of the different schools will be taken into account as equals even better than before. The student union wants to support the organisations within it in developing the community.

“Different kinds of student history and lots of different traditions come together in AYY. I hope to be able to listen to the whole community and ask the right questions so that everyone can tell me what would serve them best.”

Nieminen is aware that many members of the student union hold the student community close to their hearts and that the planned changes to the community’s structures might raise questions, concerns and objections.

“There might be changes ahead, and change is always accompanied by a variety of emotions. The idea is not for me as an outsider to come here to tell you how things should be done. Instead, I hope that the members of the Aalto community will join me in brainstorming about its development,” says Nieminen.

“The Aalto community is one of a kind. It cannot be taken for granted that people will be willing to put in this much voluntary work. I get excited by people and really look forward to getting to work and to know the community better!”

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