Association newsletter week 35/2018

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This is the AYY association newsletter for week 35/2018

Please note that this week is your last chance to sign up for many of the autumn’s events. Check the dates below and make sure your association can be seen at the Aalto Party, Otasuunnistus and the Otaniemi Night of Arts!


Upcoming events and important dates for associations

26 Aug: Registration for the Aalto Party ends (item 3; direct link to registration
26 Aug: Registration for Otasuunnistus ends (item 4; direct link to registration
31 Aug: Registration for the Otaniemi Night of Arts ends (item 1; direct link to registration
2 Sept: Registration for Stadisunnistus ends (item 5; direct link to registration
4 Sept: Otasuunnistus
5 Sept: Aalto Party (
6 Sept: Otasuunnistus
11 Sept: Stadisuunnistus
15 Sept: Aalto 10km/5km (
6 Oct: Otaniemi Night of Arts (
29 Oct–3 Nov: Elossa film festival


Contents of the newsletter

  1. Otaniemi Night of Arts on 6 Oct – there’s still time to register your event
  2. Participate in the Aalto Party stage show
  3. Last chance to register for showcasing your association at the Aalto Party on 5 Sept
  4. Last chance to register for setting up a checkpoint at Otasuunnistus on 4 and 6 Sept
  5. Set up a checkpoint for Stadisuunnistus on 11 Sept
  6. Nominate a candidate for Aalto Athlete 2018
  7. ECTS credits for student actives


1. Otaniemi Night of Arts on 6 Oct – there’s still time to register your event

The Otaniemi Night of Arts is a free and interartistic campus festival, organised for the first time on Saturday 6 Oct as part of AYY’s Year of Arts.

At the Otaniemi Night of Arts, all willing Aalto students and student organisations have a chance to organise an artistic and creative event of their own choosing. You can register as a subevent organiser until 31 Aug at

More information at


2. Participate in the Aalto Party stage show

Hello, association members! Would your association like to take itself to a whole new level? Are you up for carrying out a bedazzling stage show, a comedic spot of entertainment, a mind-blowing project publication or a marketing spectacle in front of all your fellow students?

At the Aalto Party on 5 Sept, associations are given the opportunity to take over the giant stage with their unique programme and to stand out among all the other associations present.

Register for a slot by sending a short description, preferred timing (between 4 and 7.30 pm) and duration of your programme to There are only a limited number of slots!


3. Last chance to register for showcasing your association at the Aalto Party on 5 Sept

The Aalto Party takes place on 5 September 2018 at Alvarin aukio, Otaniemi at 4–8 pm. We welcome all associations, sections, guilds, etc. with an Aalto background to introduce themselves at the Aalto Party.

Showcase your association and acquaint yourself with the Aalto community! Come up with some activities for the Aalto Party so you can tell people about yourselves, make new friends and liven up the Party!

The Aalto Party brings together students and staff to celebrate the beginning of the new academic year. The yearly number of visitors is around 3 500 and growing each year.

Register your association for participation using this form by Sunday 26 August:

All you need is to be an association within AYY and able to organise activities that the Party guests can participate in, and also able to keep things in hand in general!

We will support your programme with 70 €, as long as you register your association and activities in advance and are accepted as part of the Aalto Party.

5 September 2018. Association registration by Sunday 26 August.

For further information, please contact tarja.peltoniemi(a), 050 53 23 817. Welcome!


4. Last chance to register for setting up a checkpoint at Otasuunnistus on 4 and 6 Sept

Orientation week will be here soon and so will Otasuunnistus. I welcome your organisation to participate in Otasuunnistus on both Tuesday 4 September and Thursday 6 September. At your checkpoint, you can give the freshmen small tasks and reward them with points.  The checkpoints are open from 5 pm to 10 pm, and the afterparty commences in Smökki at 9.30 pm. You can register your checkpoint until 26 August via this link:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

Noora Salminen
Freshman Major
Aalto University Student Union AYY
+358 50 4687157 | noora.salminen(a)


5. Set up a checkpoint for Stadisuunnistus on 11 Sept

There’s life outside Otaniemi as well!

In order to offer the freshmen a chance to get to know The Eastern Harbour City (in some cultures also known as Helsinki), we organise an event called Stadisuunnistus on Tuesday 11 Sept. Stadisuunnistus is a checkpoint crawl in central Helsinki, and the event starts at 6 pm at the Senate Square. The checkpoints are open from 6 pm to 9.30 pm, and the afterparty starts at 9 pm at Nightclub Capital in the centre of Helsinki (Fredrikinkatu 51).

You can register your checkpoint here by Sunday 2 Sept:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

Noora Salminen
Freshman Major
Aalto University Student Union AYY
+358 50 4687157 | noora.salminen(a)


6. Nominate a candidate for Aalto Athlete 2018

Hello, Aalto people!

It’s now time to nominate a fellow student who you think deserves to be rewarded as the Aalto Athlete of 2018. The criteria for winning include sports achievements at national or international level, academic performance, and fair and honest participation in the community.

Click here to nominate:

So remember to give good reasoning for your nomination! The form will be closed on 5 Sept 2018 at 11.59 pm. The award will be presented at the Aalto 10km/5km event on 16 Sept 2018.

More information from lauri.seppalainen [at]


7. ECTS credits for student actives

Hello, active students!

Have you worked actively in the Aalto University Student Union (in a section, for example), in an association operating within AYY (as a board member or an officer), or in the University as a student representative in administration in 2017? You can gain study credits for it.

The course (3 credits) includes writing a reflection report on what you have learned in the task and participation in a peer learning seminar.

Click the link to see course details: (in Finnish).

AYY has consistently emphasised the importance of organisational activity for the development of individual know-how, which is why we are happy that the Aalto University has decided to award study credits for students’ work in associations. For more information, please contact AYY’s educational policy expert, Minna Mäkitalo, who has contributed to the format of the course: minna.makitalo (a)



Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

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