Student Union’s new IT Support Person and seasoned Information Officer

During the summer, IT Support Person Elias Perttu and Information Officer Henna Palonen have joined the ranks of the Aalto University Student Union. Perttu, who is completing his civilian service at AYY, is a new face at the Student Union, while Palonen has years of AYY experience.

AYY’s new IT Support Person Elias Perttu studies Automation and Information Technology at the Aalto University. He has no previous experience of student union work.

“I’ve thought about applying to the Department of Computer Science, as that feels more like the field for me. At AYY, I’ve found a place to do my civilian service that makes sense for my future,” considers Perttu.

Information Officer Henna Palonen returned from parental leave in the beginning of August. She’s worked within AYY communications since 2011. Before her post at AYY, Palonen studied Speech Communication at the University of Jyväskylä and was on the board of the Student Union there.

“I was on leave for a year and a half. A lot can happen at the Student Union in that time, with many things changing and people coming and going. It’s interesting to come back,” says Palonen.

Both IT support and information officers work towards enabling the Student Union to offer the students of Aalto University the best possible member services and advocacy. When information systems function and communication is clear, the Student Union has its best chance of making a difference.

An IT support person solves the staff’s computer problems and maintains various online services aimed at AYY members. An information officer, for their part, talks about the Student Union’s activities on social media and in newsletters and online articles, for example.

“The work of an information officer is essentially about how the members and all other interested parties view the Student Union. It’s my job to consider what kind of an image AYY portrays,” describes Palonen.

The autumn ahead is a time of learning for both of them.

“It’s great that this job lets you come up with your own solutions instead of someone giving you strict instructions to follow. It’s important to gain practical experience. I’d like to learn more about data transmission and servers, aka how devices communicate with one another,” explains Perttu.

“Next, I’d like to work on my video production skills. I’d also like to develop a journalistic approach to member communication. After all, communication is nowadays all about story telling,” relates Palonen.

“Still, my biggest challenge for the autumn is getting used to my all-new everyday life and managing to combine work and family!”

”Syksyn suurin haaste on kuitenkin oppia elämään uutta arkea ja sovittamaan työ ja perhe yhteen!”

Both Perttu and Palonen mention that the best thing about working at the Student Union is the work community. The job allows them to work with the members and actives of the Student Union as well as their colleagues.

“It’s nice to be able to help others through your work. The AYY motto is the best student’s life in the world, and now I have ten months to help us achieve that,” laughs Perttu.

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